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Commands | Description | Reason for difference from LB3 |
lb4 repository
Create a repository for a model | A new concept in LB4. A model's repository> defines the CRUD operations. In LB3, the model defined the CRUD operations. |
lb4 controller
Create a controller for a model | A new concept in LB4. A model's controller defines its REST API endpoints. In LB3, the model's remote methods defined the REST API endpoints. |
lb4 import-lb3-models
Import models from an LB3 project into LB4 | A new utility command in LB4. |
lb4 rest-crud
Use this command against a model and datasource, and it creates a rest-crud configuration that allows you to avoid creating a repository and controller for the model | A new utility command in LB4. In LB3, the model defined the CRUD operations and REST API endpoints; there was no need for a command like this. In fact, this LB4 command's purpose allows a user to avoid defining a repository and controller for a given model; similar to the user effort in LB3. |
lb4 service
Create a service | A new concept in LB4. See Services for more details. |
lb4 discover
Create models based on table definitions of database backends | A new utility command in LB4. In LB3, discovery was performed programmatically. |
lb4 observer
Create a lifecycle observer | A new concept in LB4. See Life cycle events and observers for more details. |
lb4 interceptor
Create an interceptor | A new concept in LB4. See Interceptors for more details. |
lb4 extension
Create a new extension | A new utility command in LB4. LB3 modules are stored in separate github repositories whereas LB4 modules are stored in a single repository (a monorepo). This LB4 command allows a contributor to easily add a new extension subdirectory to the monorepo. |
lb4 update
Update Loopback 4 project dependencies | A new utility command in LB4. |
lb4 copyright
Add/Update Copyright headers in source code files | A new utility command in LB4. |
lb4 example
Download LoopBack 4 examples | A new utility command in LB4. |