Page Contents

The following pages are tagged with

Adding a new language Translators can easily add a new language, where they can translate LoopBack docs.
Documentation style guide This style guide is intended to ensure that LoopBack documentation has a consistent, clear, and unified style. It is intended to be prescriptive but not one...
Governance The LoopBack project governance model follows the spirit and tradition of open source by embracing consensus, forking, and individual ownership.
Including READMEs from other repositories The LoopBack documentation includes a number of README files from related repositories, including examples, data source connectors, and components.
Markdown style guide Important: Follow the rules outlined here to ensure that Markdown displays consistently and accurately on this site, GitHub, and (where applicable). Introduction Github uses Redcarpet to parse READMEs and other markdown files. It is, generally speaking, more permissive/forgiving than...
README guidelines LoopBack documentation incorporates READMEs from many different repositories. Here are some basic guidelines for writing a README.
Reporting issues Follow the procedure outlined here when reporting issues with the LoopBack project.
Translating articles Translating an individual article from English is straightforward.
Tooltips You can add tooltips to any word, such as an acronym or specialized term. Tooltips work well for glossary definitions, because you don't have to keep repeati...
Alerts You can insert notes, tips, warnings, and important alerts in your content.
Contributing code in LoopBack 2.x and 3.x This article explains the process and guidelines for contributing code to the LoopBack 2.x and 3.x projects.
Contributing code This article explains the process and guidelines for contributing code to the LoopBack project.
Code samples You can use fenced code blocks with the language specified after the first set of backtick fences.
Content reuse You can reuse content from files in the `_includes` folder.
Contributing to LoopBack documentation We welcome contributions to LoopBack documentation!
Using ESLint with LoopBack repositories ESLint is a pluggable linting utility for JavaScript. Here are the guidelines for using it with LoopBack.
FAQ layout You can use an accordion-layout that takes advantage of Bootstrap styling. This is useful for an FAQ page.
Formatting All content is formatted in markdown, with some additional Jekyll directives.
Git Commit Message Guidelines Follow these guidelines for your Git commit messages.
Links You can use standard HTML or Markdown formatting for links.
Icons You can integrate font icons through the Font Awesome and Glyphical Halflings libraries. These libraries allow you to embed icons as a link reference. You do...
Images Store images in the images folder and use the image.html template include to insert images. This include has several options, including figcaptions, that ext...
Contributing to LoopBack Contributions to the LoopBack project are welcome!
Getting started with Jekyll These brief instructions will help you get started quickly working with the docs. The other topics in this help provide additional information and detail abo...
Layouts A page's layout determines how it looks. The default layout specified in `_config.yml` is the `page` layout. To use a different layout, specify it in the frontmatter like this: ``` --- title: Layouts layout: foo ... ``` In addition to the layouts built into the Jekyll theme, we have added...
Navgroup layout Use the navgroup layout to group related articles together
Navigation The Jekyll theme provide several ways to provide navigation
Authoring Pages This theme primarily uses pages. You need to make sure your pages have the appropriate frontmatter. One frontmatter tag your users might find helpful is the ...
Readme layout You can easily incorporate README files from other repositories into the documentation.
Sidebar Navigation Sidebars are the primary navigation element in the docs.
Code style guide (2.x/ES5) These are LoopBack's general coding style guidelines for pre-ES6 branches, e.g. 2.x release lines.
Code style guide (3.x/ES6) These are LoopBack's general coding style guidelines for ES6 branches, e.g. 3.x release lines.
Code style guide These are LoopBack's general coding style guidelines.
Tables You can format tables using either multimarkdown syntax or HTML. You can also use jQuery datatables (a plugin) if you need more robust tables.
Tags Tags provide another means of navigation for your content. Unlike the table of contents, tags can show the content in a variety of arrangements and groupings.
Translation There is an infrastructure and process to translate LoopBack docs into languages other than English
Triaging pull requests This document describes the triage process for community pull requests.