You can easily incorporate README files from other repositories into the documentation.

As described in Including READMEs, the LoopBack documentation includes README markdown files from a number of repositories, including examples, connectors, and components. This enables single-sourcing the information in the README so you’ll see the same information in the documentation (this site), GitHub, and npm (for repositories published to npm).

Use the readme layout to incorporate the README file into the documentation; for example:

title: "MongoDB Connector Tutorial"
lang: en
layout: readme
source: loopback-example-database
keywords: LoopBack
tags: example_app
sidebar: lb2_sidebar
permalink: /doc/en/lb2/Connecting-to-MongoDB.html
summary: A brief tutorial on using the LoopBack MongoDB connector.

The readme layout automatically includes the markdown file specified by the source property. You must specify the source property and a file with that name must exist in the _includes/readme directory.
In the example above, there must be a _includes/readme/loopback-example-database file.

The layout readme also links to the repository containing the original README file. By default, it links to the master branch. To link to a different branch, specify the page.branch property; for example:

source: loopback-example-database
branch: mysql

The README files fetched from branches are named differently to distinguis them. Thus, the above example includes the readme file named _includes/readmes/loopback-example-database-mysql and links to the mysql branch in the strongloop/loopback-example-database GitHub repo.

Tags: contributing