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The REST server can be configured by passing a rest property inside your RestApplication options. For example, the following code customizes the port number that a REST server listens on.

const app = new RestApplication({
  rest: {
    port: 3001,

Configure the API Explorer

LoopBack allows externally hosted API Explorer UI to render the OpenAPI endpoints for a REST server. Such URLs can be specified with rest.apiExplorer:

  • url: URL for the hosted API Explorer UI, default to
  • httpUrl: URL for the API explorer served over plain http to deal with mixed content security imposed by browsers as the spec is exposed over http by default. See Default to the value of url.
const app = new RestApplication({
  rest: {
    apiExplorer: {
      url: '',
      httpUrl: '',

Disable redirect to API Explorer

To disable redirect to the externally hosted API Explorer, set the config option rest.apiExplorer.disabled to true.

const app = new RestApplication({
  rest: {
    apiExplorer: {
      disabled: true,

Use a self-hosted API Explorer

Hosting the API Explorer at an external URL has a few downsides, for example a working internet connection is required to explore the API. As a recommended alternative, LoopBack comes with an extension that provides a self-hosted Explorer UI. Please refer to Self-hosted REST API Explorer for more details.

Customize CORS

CORS is enabled by default for REST servers with the following options:

  origin: '*',
  preflightContinue: false,
  optionsSuccessStatus: 204,
  maxAge: 86400,
  credentials: true,

The application code can customize CORS via REST configuration:

export async function main() {
  const options = {
    rest: {
      cors: {...},
  const app = new RestApplication(options);

To disable CORS, you can set the options to {origin: false}, that is:

const options = {
  rest: {
    cors: {origin: false},

For a complete list of CORS options, see

Express settings

Override the default express settings and/or assign your own settings:

const app = new RestApplication({
  rest: {
    expressSettings: {
      'x-powered-by': false,
      env: 'production',

Checkout express documentation for more details about the build-in settings.

Configure the Base Path

Sometime it’s desirable to expose REST endpoints using a base path, such as /api. The base path can be set as part of the RestServer configuration.

const app = new RestApplication({
  rest: {
    basePath: '/api',

The RestApplication and RestServer both provide a basePath() API:

const app: RestApplication;
// ...

With the basePath, all REST APIs and static assets are served on URLs starting with the base path.

Configure the router

The router can be configured to enforce strict mode as follows:

  1. strict is true:

    • request /orders matches route /orders but not /orders/
    • request /orders/ matches route /orders/ but not /orders
  2. strict is false (default)

    • request /orders matches route /orders first and falls back to /orders/
    • request /orders/ matches route /orders/ first and falls back to /orders

See strict routing at for more information.

Configure the request body parser options

We can now configure request body parser options as follows:

const app = new Application({
  rest: {requestBodyParser: {json: {limit: '1mb'}}},

The value of rest.requestBodyParser will be bound to RestBindings.REQUEST_BODY_PARSER_OPTIONS. See Customize request body parser options for more details.

rest options

Property Type Purpose
host string Specify the hostname or ip address on which the RestServer will listen for traffic.
port number Specify the port on which the RestServer listens for traffic.
protocol string (http/https) Specify the protocol on which the RestServer listens for traffic.
gracePeriodForClose number Specify the grace period in milliseconds to allow the RestServer to finish processing in-flight requests and reject new requests from keep-alive connections when the server is being stopped. The default value is Infinity (don’t force-close). If you want to immediately destroy all sockets upon stop, set its value to 0.
basePath string Specify the base path that RestServer exposes http endpoints.
key string Specify the SSL private key for https.
cert string Specify the SSL certificate for https.
cors CorsOptions Specify the CORS options.
sequence SequenceHandler Use a custom SequenceHandler to change the behavior of the RestServer for the request-response lifecycle.
openApiSpec OpenApiSpecOptions Customize how OpenAPI spec is served
apiExplorer ApiExplorerOptions Customize how API explorer is served
requestBodyParser RequestBodyParserOptions Customize how request body is parsed
router RouterOptions Customize how trailing slashes are used for routing
listenOnStart boolean (default to true) Control if the server should listen on http/https when it’s started

Add servers to application instance

You can add server instances to your application via the app.server() method individually or as an array using app.servers() method. Using app.server() allows you to uniquely name your binding key for your specific server instance. The following example demonstrates how to use these functions:

import {Application} from '@loopback/core';
import {RestServer} from '@loopback/rest';

export class HelloWorldApp extends Application {
  constructor() {
    // This server instance will be bound under "servers.fooServer".
    this.server(RestServer, 'fooServer');
    // Creates a binding for "servers.MQTTServer" and a binding for
    // "servers.SOAPServer";
    this.servers([MQTTServer, SOAPServer]);

You can also add multiple servers in the constructor of your application class as shown here.

Enhance OpenAPI Specification

The REST server exposes a function getApiSpec() to retrieve its OpenAPI specifications:

// in code, retrieve the OpenAPI spec by `getApiSpec()`
const spec = await app.restServer.getApiSpec();

An application’s OpenAPI specification is mainly generated from controllers and their members. Besides the controller, other artifacts should also be able to contribute specifications. Therefore we introduced OpenAPI specification enhancer to customize it.

You can read the page Extending OpenAPI specification to get familiar with its concepts and usages.

The REST server has a built-in enhancer service to scan all the enhancers bound to the application and apply them by default. To add your own enhancer, just bind it to your application and the server will automatically pick it up:

import {RestApplication} from '@loopback/rest';

export class SomeApp extends RestApplication {
  constructor(options: ApplicationConfig = {}) {

If you contribute the enhancer from a component, create the binding in this way:

import {createBindingFromClass} from '@loopback/core';
export class SomeComponent implements Component {
  bindings = [createBindingFromClass(SomeSpecEnhancer)];