Page Contents

Action: JavaScript functions that only accept or return Elements. Since the input of one action (an Element) is the output of another action (Element) they are easily composed.

API specification: An OpenAPI document (in YAML or JSON format) that describes a REST API. It specifies the metadata (verbs, paths, headers, and so on) a client needs to make a valid request to the API.

Application: A container of components.

Component: A reusable bundle of Bindings, Controllers, Services, Repositories, and models. For more information, see Using components and Creating components.

Connector: An interface that abstracts underlying backend systems (for example, database, web service, and so on).

Context: An encapsulation of request and response objects provides useful values for writing web applications and APIs. For more information, see Context.

Controller: The implementation of API endpoints.

DataSource: A named configuration for a Connector instance that represents data in an external system. For more information, see DataSource.

Element: The building blocks of a Sequence, such as route, params, and result. For more information, see Sequence.

Mixin: An interface for models.

Model: Defines application data and how it is connected to other data.

Sequence: A stateless grouping of actions that control how an Application responds to requests.

Service: Operations implemented in an external system.

Repository: A type of Service that represents a collection of data within a DataSource. For more information, see Repositories.