The SOAP connector enables LoopBack applications to interact with SOAP-based web services described using WSDL.
For more information, see the LoopBack documentation.
In your application root directory, enter:
$ npm install loopback-connector-soap --save
This will install the module from npm and add it as a dependency to the application’s package.json file.
Creating a data source
Use the Data source generator to add a SOAP data source to your application.
With the API Connect toolkit:
$ apic create --type datasource
With StrongLoop tools:
$ slc loopback:datasource
Choose “SOAP webservices” as the data source type when prompted.
SOAP data source properties
The following table describes the SOAP data source properties you can set in datasources.json
Property | Type | Description |
url | String |
URL to the SOAP web service endpoint. If not present, defaults to the
wsdl | String | HTTP URL or local file system path to the WSDL file. Default is ?wsdl . |
wsdl_options | Object | Indicates additonal options to pass to the SOAP connector, for example allowing self signed certificates.
For example:
remotingEnabled | Boolean |
Indicates whether the operations are exposed as REST APIs. To expose or hide a specific method, override with:
operations | Object | Maps WSDL binding operations to Node.js methods. Each key in the JSON object becomes the name of a method on the model. See operations property below. |
security | Object | security configuration. See security property below. |
soapHeaders | Array of objects. | Custom SOAP headers. An array of header properties.
For example:
operations property
The operations
property value is a JSON object that has a property (key) for each
method being defined for the model. The corresponding value is an object with the
following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
service | String | WSDL service name |
port | String | WSDL port name |
operation | String | WSDL operation name |
Here is an example operations property for the stock quote service:
operations: {
// The key is the method name
stockQuote: {
service: 'StockQuote', // The WSDL service name
port: 'StockQuoteSoap', // The WSDL port name
operation: 'GetQuote' // The WSDL operation name
stockQuote12: {
service: 'StockQuote',
port: 'StockQuoteSoap12',
operation: 'GetQuote'
security property
The security
property value is a JSON object witha scheme
The other properties of the object depend on the value of that property. For example:
security: {
scheme: 'WS',
username: 'test',
password: 'testpass',
passwordType: 'PasswordDigest'
Scheme | Description | Other properties |
WS | WSSecurity scheme |
BasicAuth | Basic auth scheme |
ClientSSL | ClientSSL scheme |
Example datasource.json
A complete example datasource.json:
"WeatherServiceDS": {
"url": "http://wsf.cdyne.com/WeatherWS/Weather.asmx",
"name": "WeatherServiceDS",
"connector": "soap",
"wsdl": "http://wsf.cdyne.com/WeatherWS/Weather.asmx?WSDL",
"remotingEnabled": true,
"operations": {
"stockQuote": {
"service": "StockQuote",
"port": "StockQuoteSoap",
"operation": "GetQuote"
"stockQuote12": {
"service": "StockQuote",
"port": "StockQuoteSoap12",
"operation": "GetQuote"
Creating a model from a SOAP data source
The SOAP connector loads WSDL documents asynchronously. As a result, the data source won’t be ready to create models until it’s connected. The recommended way is to use an event handler for the ‘connected’ event; for example:
ds.once('connected', function () {
// Create the model
var WeatherService = ds.createModel('WeatherService', {});
Extending a model to wrap and mediate SOAP operations
Once you define the model, you can extend it to wrap or mediate SOAP operations
and define new methods.
The following example simplifies the GetCityForecastByZIP
operation to a method
that takes zip
and returns an array of forecasts.
// Refine the methods
WeatherService.forecast = function (zip, cb) {
WeatherService.GetCityForecastByZIP({ZIP: zip || '94555'},
function (err, response) {
console.log('Forecast: %j', response);
var result = (!err && response.GetCityForecastByZIPResult.Success) ?
response.GetCityForecastByZIPResult.ForecastResult.Forecast : [];
cb(err, result);
The custom method on the model can be exposed as REST APIs.
It uses the loopback.remoteMethod
to define the mappings.
// Map to REST/HTTP
WeatherService.forecast, {
accepts: [{
arg: 'zip',
type: 'string',
required: true,
http: {
source: 'query'
returns: {
arg: 'result',
type: 'object',
root: true
http: {
verb: 'get',
path: '/forecast'
Use boot script to create model and expose APIs to API Explorer
The SOAP connector builds operations from WSDL asynchronously.
To expose such methods over REST, you need to do the following with a boot script,
such as server/a-soap.js
module.exports = function(app, cb) {
var ds = app.dataSources.WeatherServiceDS;
if (ds.connected) {
var weather = ds.createModel('weather', {}, {base: 'Model'});
} else {
ds.once('connected', function() {
var weather = ds.createModel('weather', {}, {base: 'Model'});
The [loopback-example-connector]
repository provides several examples in the soap
Get stock quotes by symbols: [stock-ws.js] (https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-example-connector/blob/soap/stock-ws.js). Run with the command:
$ node example/stock-ws
Get weather and forecast information for a given zip code: [weather-ws.js] (https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-connector-soap/blob/master/example/weather-ws.js). Run with the command:
$ node example/weather-ws
Expose REST APIs to proxy the SOAP web services: [weather-rest.js] (https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-example-connector/blob/soap/weather-rest.js). Run with the command:
$ node example/weather-rest
View the results at http://localhost:3000/explorer.