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The Geopoint object is a LoopBack data type that represents a physical location.

loopback-datasource-juggler and strong-remoting modules use this object to facilitate use of GeoPoint data type in a LoopBack model properties & remote methods.

Create a new GeoPoint object:

For example, to create a GeoPoint object in LoopBack:

var loopback = require(loopback);
var here = new loopback.GeoPoint({lat: 10.32424, lng: 5.84978});

The constructor requires two values:

  • lat: Latitude point in degrees. Range: -90 to 90.
  • lng: Longitude point in degrees. Range: -180 to 180

Call the constructor with any of the following arguments:

  • Two numbers, for example new GeoPoint(10.32, 5.84)
  • Number string of form “lat, lng”, for example new GeoPoint('10.32, 5.84')
  • Array with two number elements: [lat, lng], for example new GeoPoint([10.32, 5.84])
  • Object with two number properties: lat and lng, for example new GeoPoint({ lat: 10.32, lng: 5.84})

Using GeoPoint type

  • in a LoopBack Model:

Declare a GeoPoint property in the model JSON file, for example:

  "properties": {
      "location": {
        "type": "GeoPoint"

or programtically:

  var CoffeeShop = loopback.createModel('coffee-shop', {
    location: 'GeoPoint'
  • in remote methods:

    ‘accepts’ & ‘returns’ argument types, for remote method, can be set to GeoPoint type, for example, in a remote method getNearbyLocation for model MyModel:


     MyModel.remoteMethod('getNearbyLocation', {
            accepts: {arg: 'loc', type: 'GeoPoint'},
            returns: {arg: 'location', type: 'GeoPoint'}

Static Method:

  • distanceBetween(pointA, pointB, options):

    Determine the spherical distance between two GeoPoints


    Name Type Description
    pointA GeoPoint Point A
    pointB GeoPoint Point B
    options Object Options object with one key, ‘type’. See below.


    Name Type Description
    type String Unit of measurement, one of:
    miles (default)

Instance Methods:

  • geoPoint.distanceTo(point, options):

    Determine the spherical distance to the given point.

    For example:

    var loopback = require(loopback);
    var here = new loopback.GeoPoint({lat: 10, lng: 10});
    var there = new loopback.GeoPoint({lat: 5, lng: 5});
    console.log(here.distanceTo(there, {type: 'miles'})); // result: 438


    Name Type Description
    point GeoPoint GeoPoint object to which to measure distance.
    options Object Options object with one key, ‘type’. Same as options in distanceBetween()
  • geoPoint.toString(): Simple serialization of geoPoint.