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loopback-example-connector (remote)

This is a very simple example of using the LoopBack remote connector, loopback-connector-remote.


The example has the following structure:

  • server: A LoopBack application that connects to a backend data source (just the in-memory data source here) and provides a CRUD API (both Node and REST) to interact with the data source.
  • client: A Node application that connects to the LoopBack server application using the remote connector. This acts as a very simple Node client SDK for LoopBack.
  • common/models: Model definitions shared between client and server applications. Using a shared model definition ensures that client and server expect the same model structures. This simple example defines only one model: Person, with a single property, name.
  • examples: Contains examples of using the Node SDK in client to connect to the server API.
  • create.js: A simple example script that creates a new Person record (instance).

How to run the examples

Clone the repo

$ git clone
$ cd loopback-example-connector
$ git checkout remote

Starting the Server

Initially, you need to run npm install to install all the dependencies for both client and server.
Then, start the server application.

$ cd client
$ npm install
$ cd ../server
$ npm install
$ node . 

Basic CRUD Example

Now in another shell, run an example that uses the client “SDK.”

$ node examples/create.js
Created Person...
{ name: 'Fred', id: 1 }

Now open LoopBack Explorer at This provides a view into the server application REST API.

Go to!/People/find to expand the GET /People operation. Then click Try it!.

In Response Body, you will see the record that create.js created via the Node client SDK:

    "name": "Fred",
    "id": 1

Auth Example

This example demonstrates the following basic tasks (using the remote connector):

  • Registering a user
  • Logging in as a user
  • Defining a custom remote method
  • Securing access to custom methods

After running the server, you can run the examples/auth.js example in a separate shell.

$ node examples/auth.js
Got error (Authorization Required) when trying to call method without auth
Registered a user
Logged in as
Set access token for all future requests. (MGd...JMA==)
Called a custom method (myMethod) as a logged in user
Logged out and unset the acces token for future invocations
Got error (Authorization Required) when trying to call method without auth