"We are excited to be collaborating with StrongLoop on our Reseller API. Co-developing a solution with the industry leader in Node has allowed us to accelerate the delivery of solutions to our reseller partners and drive revenue growth for them. Our external API is an incredibly important aspect of our overall technical strategy."
— Elissa Murphy, GoDaddy Chief Technology Officer
"When we set out to build our ERP system for the aviation industry we carefully researched various options. Node.js and the LoopBack framework came out far ahead. Its powerful features and built-in functionality made it incredibly quick and easy. Plus, LoopBack’s ability to auto-generate the entire API layer makes it a winner."
— Lee Johnson, FlightOffice CEO & Founder
"Loopback is solid! We moved to Loopback from a custom built system and our experience was great. I particularly liked that we created our Web API's quickly, and many of the common features such as Auth, Security, Scaffolding and DB connectors are either built-in or an easy add-on."
— Aziz Ali, iLoveCoding Founder & CEO

"We used LoopBack for two reasons: isomorphic model definitions and their Angular SDK resource generator. We were able to immediately focus on our custom domain logic without the need to build a bunch of CRUD, translators, and JSON adapters."
— Brian Ross, Engineering Lead at Haven, Inc.
"FoKo is using Loopback to create a whole new backend for a photo-sharing application specifically for enterprises. Loopback has allowed us to move away from Parse and we are now using Loopback with MongoDB, Redis, and Amazon S3. We are moving quite fast with such an awesome product and have already made contributions back to the LoopBack project."
— Benjamin Boudreau, FoKo Software Developer