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Learning LoopBack 4 Interceptors (Part 2) - Method Level and Class Level Interceptors

· 5 min read
Diana Lau

Originally published on

Previously, we looked at how to add a global interceptor. In this article, we are going to build an application that validates the incoming request using class level and method level interceptors 

For the complete application, you can go to this repo:

Let's Build a Simple Order App

If you want to skip this part, you can check out the orginal-app branch of this github repo:

If you want to follow along, take these steps.

  1. Scaffold the app by calling lb4 app loopback4-interceptors --yes

  2. In the newly created project, create a file called order.json with the following content:

    "name": "Order",
    "base": "Entity",
    "properties": {
    "orderNum": {
    "type": "string",
    "id": true,
    "required": true
    "customerNum": {
    "type": "string",
    "required": true
    "customerEmail": {
    "type": "string",
    "required": true
    "total": {
    "type": "number",
    "required": true
  3. Create the Order model by providing the above json file. Run lb4 model --config order.json --yes

  4. Create a DataSource with the in-memory connector. Run lb4 datasource ds. Then select "In-memory db" as the type of connector.

  5. Create a Repository and accept all defaults by running lb4 repository command.

  6. Finally, create a controller. Follow the prompts as below:

$ lb4 controller
? Controller class name: Order
Controller Order will be created in src/controllers/order.controller.ts
? What kind of controller would you like to generate? REST Controller with CRUD functions
? What is the name of the model to use with this CRUD repository? Order
? What is the name of your CRUD repository? OrderRepository
? What is the type of your ID? string
? What is the base HTTP path name of the CRUD operations? /orders

create src/controllers/order.controller.ts
update src/controllers/index.ts

Controller Order was created in src/controllers/

You now have a LoopBack application ready to run.

Creating Interceptor Function for Validation

What we're doing here is validating user inputs at the REST layer. Note that in real world, you should also consider validating data at the Repository level to ensure the validation is applied even when modifying data from places outside of controllers, e.g. tests or services running in background.

For the POST /order endpoint, we are going to validate the order before actually creating the order. The length of orderNum has to be 6, otherwise the order is not valid.

Let's define the interceptor function in the OrderController class just before the class is defined. 

In src/controllers/order.controller.ts

  1. Add this statement:

    import {intercept, Interceptor} from '@loopback/core';
  2. Add the following function to validate order.  

    const validateOrder: Interceptor = async (invocationCtx, next) => {
    console.log('log: before-', invocationCtx.methodName);
    const order: Order = new Order();
    if (invocationCtx.methodName == 'create')
    Object.assign(order, invocationCtx.args[0]);
    else if (invocationCtx.methodName == 'updateById')
    Object.assign(order, invocationCtx.args[1]);

    if (order.orderNum.length !== 6) {
    throw new HttpErrors.InternalServerError('Invalid order number');

    const result = await next();
    return result;

Apply @intercept Decorator at the Method Level

After defining the interceptor function, you can now use this as a method-level or class-level decorator. For class-level interceptor, you just apply it on the class, like this.

export class OrderController {

However, we want the validation to run only when the order is being created, so the @intercept decorator will be applied at the method level. To do this, add the @intercept decorator on the method I want to intercept, i.e. the POST method:

@intercept(validateOrder) // <--- add here
@post('/orders', {
responses: {
'200': {
description: 'Order model instance',
content: {'application/json': {schema: {'x-ts-type': Order}}},
async create(@requestBody() order: Order): Promise<Order> {

Let's Experiment! 

Now that the application is ready to go, start the app by running npm start command and go to the API Explorer: http://localhost:3000/explorer.

Calling GET /orders/count

Since this method doesn't have the interceptor, when this endpoint is being called, there shouldn't be anything printed to the log. 

Calling POST /orders

This is the method where the interceptor is applied to validate the order. Let's give it a try with a valid order.

"orderNum": "111111",
"customerNum": "12345",
"customerEmail": "",
"total": 100

You should expect to get the HTTP 200 response code that the order has been created successfully.

Now try another order with orderNum is 11.

"orderNum": "11",
"customerNum": "67890",
"customerEmail": "",
"total": 1000

You should expect a HTTP 500 error with message saying "Internal Server Error".


Call to Action

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