To add your community project here, follow these steps:

First, fork the strongloop/ repository (see Fork a repo for instructions).

Now, you have two options:

  • If your project repository has a good, detailed README, you can reuse it. Follow the steps in Reuse your README.
  • If your project doesn’t have a complete README, you can create a custom page. Follow the steps in Create a custom project page.

Reuse your README

This site has tools and processes for incorporating README files from external repositories. For a full description, see Including READMEs from other repositories. In brief, we use a script to pull down READMEs over the network, then incorporate them into the site. Currently, to update the READMEs, we periodically run the script manually.

To reuse your project README, follow these steps:

  1. Copy one of the existing project pages that uses a README, for example
    • Save it into the same directory (pages/en/community), and name it based on your project name, for example pages/en/community/
  2. Edit the front matter at the top of the file (see below):
    • Change the title property to be the name of your project.
    • Change the source property to the name of your repository; in the example below source: StrongLoop-IoT-Demo.
    • Change the org property to the name of the organization that contains the repository; for example org: my-org.
    • Change the permalink property to match the name of the file, for example /doc/en/community/My-awesome-project.html.
    • Add any keywords you want for search-engine optimization (optional).
    • If you don’t want an automatically-generated page TOC, add toc: false.
    • Add a short summary of the project in the summary property (optional).
  3. Edit the rest of the page to fill in the information for your project, replacing the sample content and instructions.

Front matter for README page

title: "Internet of Things demo"
lang: en
layout: readme
source: StrongLoop-IoT-Demo
org: strongloop-community
keywords: LoopBack
tags: [community]
sidebar: community_sidebar
permalink: /doc/en/community/IoT-demo.html
summary: Example application that demonstrates using LoopBack for Internet of Things.

Add your repo to the list of community READMEs

Of course, you could just copy/paste your README file into pages/en/community/readmes, and name it But to ensure that the content stays up-to-date with changes to the README file in your repo:

  1. Add your project repo to _data/repos-community.json; for example:
  { "org": "strongloop-community", "repoName":  "loopback-connector-elastic-search"},

Replace the org property with your organization name and the repoName property with your repository name.

The get-readmes script that updates the READMEs reads this JSON file.

Test the script

Now, follow these steps to run get-readmes:

git clone
cd get-readmes
npm install
cd ..

Create a custom page

If you don’t want to reuse your README for any reason, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the file, save it into the same directory (pages/en/community), and name it based on your project name, for example pages/en/community/
  2. Edit the front matter at the top of the file (see below):
    • Change the title property to be the name of your project.
    • Change the permalink property to match the name of the file, for example /doc/en/community/My-awesome-project.html.
    • Add any keywords you want for search-engine optimization (optional).
    • If you want an automatically-generated page TOC, delete toc: false.
  3. Edit the rest of the page to fill in the information for your project, replacing the sample content and instructions.

Front matter for custom page

This is the template front matter in the Sample project page:

title: Sample community project
toc: false
tags: [community]
sidebar: community_sidebar
permalink: /doc/en/community/Sample-project.html

Add your page to the sidebar

Edit the community sidebar navigation file _data/sidebars/community_sidebar.yml and add an entry for your file, for example:

- title: 'Sample project'
  url: /doc/en/community/Sample-project.html
  output: 'web'

Test your change

Follow the instructions in the README to run the site locally. Make sure it runs without any errors and you page displays properly in the navigation sidebar.

Create a pull request

Create a pull request for your changes. Someone will review it and either merge it or comment as soon as possible.

Tags: community