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24 posts tagged with "Milestone update"

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· 8 min read
Dominique Emond

Originally published on

It's a Leap Year this year, and we continue to make leaps in LoopBack 4.

With New Year's resolutions in mind, we quickly got started on several items.

Check out the sections below for the progress we made in each area:

· 11 min read
Agnes Lin

Originally published on

It's 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣!

Happy New Year! Is the snow dancing outside of your window or is the sunshine bringing warmth and glow to the grass around you? No matter where you are, the LoopBack team is thankful for you being with us through 2019! It means a lot to us that you choose LoopBack for your applications and projects.

We're also excited to have Denny, Douglas, and Rifa as LoopBack maintainers! They've been actively helpful in our community. We appreciate all the contributions and great work. Welcome to the team!

Even though this past December was a short month due to the holidays, the list of the accomplished tasks is not short! Check out the sections below for the progress we made in each area:

· 9 min read
Janny Hou

Originally published on

The LoopBack team greeted November with the CASCONxEVOKE conference in Toronto. CASCONxEVOKE is one of Canada's largest combined academic, research and developer conferences. As its speakers and attendees, we had a booth with posters to advocate LoopBack, and also delivered a workshop about developing extensible LoopBack applications. You can check this blog for more details.

For Q4 achievements, we finished 3 epics this month: Inclusion of related models, Deployment guide in a cloud native environment and Support partitioned database in Cloudant connector, and significantly progressed in the Migration, Authentication & Authorization epics.

Keep reading to learn about the recently added features!

· 7 min read
Dominique Emond

Originally published on

As the cold autumn winds and frost nipped at our heels, the LoopBack team kept warm with generous portions of hot tea and coffee and accomplished their planned October milestone goals.

We focused on the following areas:

  • Inclusion of related models
  • Adding Partitioned Database Support for Cloudant and CouchDB connector
  • Spike on Migration Guide
  • Improvements to Shopping Cart Example
  • CASCON x Evoke 2019 Workshop Preparation
  • Repository Tests for PostgreSQL
  • Generating Controller/Repository from a Model
  • Documentation Improvements
  • Bug fixes / CI fixes

See the October milestone for an overview of what we have worked on, and read on for more details.

· 9 min read
Agnes Lin

Originally published on

All the leaves are red and the flowers are fading away. In this season of fruitfulness, the LoopBack team accomplished their planned September milestone goals. Besides delivering code-related contributions, we also addressed the growing number of reported issues from the growing number of users from the GitHub community. I believe that with the effort from our team and the contribution from the community, we are crafting LoopBack to a better framework.

Here are our main focuses from September:

  • Enhancement of Authentication/Authorization
  • Declarative Building of REST APIs
  • Importing of LB3 Model JSON File To LB4 Model Class
  • Inclusion Resolver in Relations

See the September milestone for an overview of what we have worked on, and read on for more details.

· 7 min read
Janny Hou

Originally published on

The last month of summer started with exiting news that LoopBack won the "Best in API Middleware award"🎉, which is a great recognition of our team's achievement and effort. With those efforts in mind, here's the highlights of what we worked on in August:

  • The implementation of InclusionResolver has made significant progress in the Inclusion epic.
  • A new epic to simplify building REST APIs is started with some pre-work and spike.
  • We contributed a LoopBack stack for Kabanero/Appsody to enable cloud native development experience.
  • The first version of @loopback/authorization was released for users to try.

You can read more to learn the new features in details.

· 9 min read
Agnes Lin

Originally published on

This July 20th was the 50th anniversary of The Moon Landing and the famous quote, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." This great, memorable event reminds me that every task the LoopBack team finishes will end up enhancing our project. From starting to build new features such as inclusion, to enriching the documentation, we believe that we are making LoopBack better by taking all these small steps!

We finished up 85 story points this month. See the July milestone for an overview of what we have worked on, and read on for more details.

· 8 min read
Nora Abdelgadir

Originally published on

As the temperature gets warmer the LoopBack team is spending this summer releasing hot deliverables. In June we focused on various enhancements such as releasing version 2.0.0 of @loopback/build, replacing strong-docs, and improving @loopback/testlab. We also focused on authentication, inclusion of related models, and other improvements. You can see the June milestone for an overview of what we have worked on, and read on for more details.

· 10 min read
Biniam Admikew

Originally published on

As the weather starts to warm up for summer, the LoopBack team has turned up the heat on the milestone tasks we planned for the month of May and beyond. We worked on areas such as:

  • Improving our documentation pages and API documentation.
  • Giving users unified website experience on
  • Making CI green across connector repositories and being able to test juggler 3.x and 4.x with connectors.
  • Implementation of Interceptors in the LoopBack framework.
  • Authentication extension point, refactoring authentication action, and using the new features in shopping example repository.
  • Inclusion of related models in model relations.
  • Testing out ways to roll out experimental features.

These are just the tip of the iceberg. Read on to find out more on what the LoopBack team accomplished this month.

· 9 min read
Dominique Emond

Originally published on

April was a very productive month for the LoopBack team! We focused on the following areas:

  • Strong referential integrity for relations
  • Model discovery
  • Basic Life Cycle Support
  • Adding more architectural patterns to support extensions
  • Authentication
  • Node 12 is now officially supported by LoopBack 4
  • Exposing LoopBack 3 applications in LoopBack 4 projects

Besides the items above, we landed several additional improvements. Keep reading to learn more details.