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24 posts tagged with "Milestone update"

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· 7 min read
Janny Hou

Originally published on

We landed an outstanding number of code contributions in March, making for a very productive month! We merged 63 PRs in total, and 10 out of them are from the community. Cheers!

The team was able to make good progress of the epics we are focusing on, like LB3 to LB4 migration, adding @loopback/context features, JavaScript experience, the authentication system, and describing model properties to be more flexible. Read more to see the details of our achievements in March.

· 7 min read
Nora Abdelgadir

Originally published on

It feels like 2019 just started, but we are somehow already in March. February flew by, but while the month was short, the list of things the LoopBack team accomplished in the month was the opposite. In February, we tackled authentication and authorization, spikes on migration from LoopBack 3 to LoopBack 4, preparation for events, and others. You can see the February milestone and see the March milestone to see what we are working on next. Read more to see the details of our progress in February.

· 9 min read
Janny Hou

Originally published on

Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and warmly welcomed 2019. This past December was a short month due to the vacation days, but we were still able to complete several fixes and take off in our next focused epics like authentication and building a JavaScript LoopBack 4 application. You can read more about our progress below.