These brief instructions will help you get started quickly working with the docs. The other topics in this help provide additional information and detail about working with other aspects of this theme and Jekyll.
Page Contents

Previewing the site

To preview the website locally:

  1. Install Ruby and Bundler if you don’t have them already.

  2. cd to the repository directory and run the following command:

$ cd
$ bundle install

Bundler will look in the Gemfile for which gems to install. The github-pages gem includes the same version of Jekyll and other dependencies as used by GitHub Pages, so that your local setup mirrors GitHub Pages as closely as possible.

Running Jekyll and viewing the site locally

Run Jekyll using the following command:

$ bundle exec jekyll serve

Then, load http://localhost:4001/ on your browser.

NOTE: The docs part will be at http://localhost:4001/doc.

When you modify a content file while Jekyll is running, it will automatically regenerate the site content. You’ll see a message in the console such as:

Regenerating: 1 file(s) changed at 2017-11-03 10:46:25 ...done in 1.913827 seconds.

This theme uses relative links throughout so that you can view the site offline and not worry about which server or directory you’re hosting it. It’s common with tech docs to push content to an internal server for review prior to pushing the content to an external server for publication. Because of the need for seamless transference from one host to another, the site has to use relative links.

To view pages locally on your machine (without the Jekyll preview server), they need to have the .html extension. The permalink property in the page’s frontmatter (without surrounding slashes) is what pushes the files into the root directory when the site builds.

Page frontmatter

When you write pages, include these same frontmatter properties with each page:

title: "Some title"
tags: [sample1, sample2]
keywords: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3

summary: "optional summary here"
sidebar: sidebarname
permalink: /doc/en/contrib/filename.html

(You will customize the values for each of these properties, of course.)

For titles, surrounding the title in quotes is optional, but if you have a colon in the title, you must surround the title with quotation marks. If you have a quotation mark inside the title, escape it first with a backlash \.

Values for keywords get populated into the metadata of the page for SEO.

Values for tags must be defined in your _data/tags.yml list. You also need a corresponding tag file inside the tags folder that follows the same pattern as the other tag files shown in the tags folder. (Jekyll won’t auto-create these tag files.)

If you don’t want the mini-TOC to show on a page (such as for the homepage or landing pages), add toc: false in the frontmatter.

The permalink value should be the same as your filename and include the “.html” file extension.

For more detail, see Authoring pages.

Generating PDF

To generate PDF, you’ll need a license for Prince XML. You will also need to install Prince. You can generate PDFs by product (but not for every product on the site combined together into one massive PDF). Prince will work even without a license, but it will imprint a small Prince image on the first page, and you’re supposed to buy the license to use it.

If you’re on Windows, install Git Bash client rather than using the default Windows command prompt.

Open up the css/printstyles.css file and customize the email address ( that is listed there. This email address appears in the bottom left footer of the PDF output. You’ll also need to create a PDF configuration file following the examples shown in the pdfconfigs folder, and also customize some build scripts following the same pattern shown in the root:

To accommodate the title page and table of contents in PDF outputs, each product sidebar must list these pages before any other:

- title:
  output: pdf
  type: frontmatter
  - title:
    url: /titlepage
    output: pdf
    type: frontmatter
  - title:
    url: /tocpage
    output: pdf
    type: frontmatter

Leave the output as output: pdf for these frontmatter pages so that they don’t appear in the web output.