The docs for “Polymorphic relations”, “HasManyThrough relations”, and “Embedded models and relations” all share common areas of improvement.</div>
- Some example files lack context.
- There are references to objects in the example files, without any explanation of where they came from or how they may be initialized.
- There are certain properties in the objects in examples files, they need to be explained, and the reader informed of other possible properties. For example, here are my observations on Polymorphic relations
: Should explain what “imageable” in { "polymorphic": "imageable" }
means. And, list other possible properties.
<p><code>common/models/reader.json</code>:</p><pre> "polymorphic": {</pre><pre> "as": "imageable",</pre><pre> "foreignKey": "imageableId",</pre><pre> "discriminator": "imageableType"</pre><pre> }</pre>
<div>- The structure has changed from "common/models/author.json". Should explain "as", "foreignKey", and "discriminator". And, list other possible properties.</div>
<div><code>common/models/author.js</code> - Where does the Picture object come from?</div>
<div><code>common/models/picture.js</code> - belongsTo is undefined in Picture.</div>
<div><code>common/models/model.js</code> - Is this file created by default? Where do Author, Reader, Picture objects come from?</div>
As mentioned in the beginning, “HasManyThrough relations” and “Embedded models and relations” have similar issues. I can come up with a wholesome example which includes all these three types of model relations coming week.</div>
This documentation is still a work in progress.
LoopBack supports polymorphic relations in which a model can belong to more than one other model, on a single association. For example, you might have a Picture model that belongs to either an Author model or a Reader model.
The examples below use three example models: Picture, Author, and Reader, where a picture can belong to either an author or reader.
Is it actually “… a picture can belong to both an author and a reader.” ?
Do polymorphic relations add methods to the models as the standard relations do? If so, what?
HasMany polymorphic relations
The usual options apply, for example: as: 'photos'
to specify a different relation name/accessor.
"name": "Author",
"base": "PersistedModel",
"relations": {
"pictures": {
"type": "hasMany",
"model": "Picture",
{ "polymorphic": "imageable" }
"name": "Reader",
"base": "PersistedModel",
"relations": {
"pictures": {
"type": "hasMany",
"model": "Picture",
"polymorphic": {
"as": "imageable",
"foreignKey": "imageableId",
"discriminator": "imageableType"
Alternatively, you can define the relation in code:
Author.hasMany(Picture, { polymorphic: 'imageable' });
Reader.hasMany("imageables", {
model: Picture
polymorphic: {
foreignKey: 'imageableId', // defaults to 'as - Id'
discriminator: 'imageableType' // defaults to 'as - Type'
HasManyThrough polymorphic relations
To define a hasMany polymorphic relation, there must be a “through” model, similarly to a standard HasManyThrough relation.
For example, “ImageLink”:
"name": "ImageLink",
"base": "PersistedModel",
"relations": {
"author": {
"type": "belongsTo",
"model": "Author",
"foreignKey": "authorId"
"pictures": {
"type": "hasMany",
"model": "Picture",
"polymorphic": {
"foreignKey": "imageableId",
"discriminator": "imageableType"
Then here’s an example of a polymorphic hasManyThrough relation:
"name": "Author",
"base": "PersistedModel",
"relations": {
"pictures": {
"type": "hasMany",
"model": "Picture",
"polymorphic": {
"foreignKey": "imageableId",
"discriminator": "imageableType"
"through": "ImageLink",
"keyThrough": "authorId"
Equivalently, in JavaScript:
Author.hasMany(Picture, {
as: 'pictures',
polymorphic: {
foreignKey: 'imageableId',
discriminator: 'imageableType'
through: ImageLink,
keyThrough: 'authorId'
BelongsTo polymorphic relations
Because you define the related model dynamically, you cannot declare it up front. So instead of passing in the related model (name), you specify the name of the polymorphic relation.
"name": "Picture",
"base": "PersistedModel",
"relations": {
"author": {
"type": "belongsTo",
"polymorphic": {
"foreignKey": "imageableId",
"discriminator": "imageableType"
Or, in code:
Picture.belongsTo('imageable', {
polymorphic: true
// Alternatively, use an object for setup
Picture.belongsTo('imageable', {
polymorphic: {
foreignKey: 'imageableId',
discriminator: 'imageableType'
HasAndBelongsToMany polymorphic relations
This requires an explicit ‘through’ model, in this case: PictureLink
The relations Picture.belongsTo(PictureLink)
and Picture.belongsTo('imageable', { polymorphic: true });
will be setup automatically.
The same is true for the needed properties on PictureLink.
Author.hasAndBelongsToMany(Picture, {
through: PictureLink,
polymorphic: 'imageable'
Reader.hasAndBelongsToMany(Picture, {
through: PictureLink,
polymorphic: 'imageable'
// Optionally, define inverse hasMany relations with '(invert: true)'
Picture.hasMany(Author, {
through: PictureLink,
polymorphic: 'imageable',
invert: true
Picture.hasMany(Reader, {
through: PictureLink,
polymorphic: 'imageable',
invert: true
HasOne polymorphic relations
As shown here, you can specify as: 'avatar'
to explicitly set the name of the relation. If not set, it defaults to the polymorphic name.
Picture.belongsTo('imageable', {polymorphic: true});
Author.hasOne(Picture, {as: 'avatar', polymorphic: 'imageable'});
Reader.hasOne(Picture, {polymorphic: {as: 'imageable'}});
Dealing with polymorphic.idType
Because modelTo
is unknown up-front (it’s polymorphic), you cannot rely on modelTo
for getting the foreignKey
You can explicitly declare the idType as shown below.
The example below should provide the following results:
url: 'john.jpg',
imageableType: 'Author',
imageableId: '1',
id: 1
}, {
url: 'joe.jpg',
imageableType: 'Reader',
imageableId: '1',
id: 2
Authors: [{
username: 'John',
id: 1
Readers: [{
name: 'Joe',
id: 1
var Author = app.models.Author;
var Reader = app.models.Reader;
var Picture = app.models.Picture;
Author.hasOne(Picture, {
as: 'avatar',
polymorphic: {
foreignKey: 'imageableId',
discriminator: 'imageableType'
Reader.hasOne(Picture, {
as: 'imageable',
polymorphic: {
foreignKey: 'imageableId',
discriminator: 'imageableType'
Picture.belongsTo('owner', {
idName: 'username',
polymorphic: {
foreignKey: 'imageableId',
discriminator: 'imageableType'
//Creating demo author, reader pictures then listing them
function createAuthor(cb) {
username: "John"
}).then(function(author) {
url: "john.jpg"
}, function() {
function createReader(cb) {
name: "Joe"
}).then(function(reader) {
url: "joe.jpg"
}, function() {
function listPictures() {
Picture.find(function(err, res) {
console.log("\nPictures:\n", res);
function listReaders() {
Reader.find(function(err, res) {
console.log("\nReaders:\n", res);
function listAuthors() {
Author.find(function(err, res) {
console.log("\nAuthors:\n", res);
//executing the demo
createAuthor(function() {
createReader(function() {