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The PersistedModel API supports streaming changes from servers to clients using a combination of the CRUD methods and the createChangeStream() method.

A ChangeStream enables a server to send model changes to a client. A client makes an initial request to be notified of changes and then the server “pushes” these changes to the client.

Creating ChangeStreams on the server


First, add event-stream to your Node app as follows:

$ npm install -save event-stream

This will add a line something like this to the app’s package.json file:

"event-stream": "^3.3.1",

Disable compression

Event streams don’t work with Node compression. To disable npm compression, delete the entry from server/middleware.json so it looks like this:

"compression": {


Below is a basic example using the createChangeStream() method in a LoopBack application.


var es = require('event-stream');
module.exports = function(app) {
  var MyModel = app.models.MyModel;
  MyModel.createChangeStream(function(err, changes) {
    foo: 'bar'

This example will print the following to the console:


Pushing data to clients

This example shows how to consume the ChangeStream from a browser using the EventSource API, which is built in to JavaScript implemented in most browsers. The example code below assumes a model called MyModel and simply logs the response to the browser JavaScript console.

Browser script

var urlToChangeStream = '/api/MyModels/change-stream?_format=event-stream';
var src = new EventSource(urlToChangeStream);
src.addEventListener('data', function(msg) {
  var data = JSON.parse(;
  console.log(data); // the change object

To push data, the model on the server must change; for example, if you add a new record (model instance).

When this occurs, then in the browser JavaScript console, you will see (for example):

Object {target: 2, data: Object, type: "create"}

Using ChangeStreams in AngularJS

The angular-live-set module makes it easy to use ChangeStream in your AngularJS applications.