LoopBack includes built-in token-based authentication.
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Most applications need to control who (or what) can access data or call services. Typically, this involves requiring users to login to access protected data, or requiring authorization tokens for other applications to access protected data.

For a simple example of implementing LoopBack access control, see the GitHub  loopback-example-access-control repository.

LoopBack apps access data through models (see Defining models), so controlling access to data means putting restrictions on models; that is, specifying who or what can read/write the data or execute methods on the models. 

Access control concepts

LoopBack’s access control system is built around a few core concepts, as summarized in the following table. 

Term       Description Responsibility Example
Principal An entity that can be identified or authenticated. Represents identities of a request to protected resources. A user
An application
A role (please note a role is also a principal)
Role A group of principals with the same permissions. Organizes principals into groups so they can be used. Dynamic role
$everyone (for all users)
$unauthenticated (unauthenticated users)
$owner (the principal is owner of the model instance), which can be:
  ◦ A simple property called userId
  ◦ A simple property called owner
  ◦ A relation to a model that extends User.

Static role: admin (a defined role for administrators)
RoleMapping Assign principals to roles Statically assigns principals to roles. Assign user with id 1 to role 1
Assign role ‘admin’ to role 1
ACL Access control list Controls if a principal can perform a certain operation against a model. Deny everyone to access the project model.
Allow ‘admin’ role to execute find() method on the project model.

General process

The general process to implement access control for an application is:

  1. Implement authentication: In the application, add code to create (register) new users, log in users (get and use authentication tokens), and log out users.
  2. Specify user roles. Define the user roles that your application requires. For example, you might create roles for anonymous users, authenticated users, group members, and administrators. 
  3. Define access for each role and model method. For example, you might enable anonymous users to read a list of banks, but not allow them to do anything else. LoopBack models have a set of built-in methods, and each method maps to either the READ or WRITE access type. In essence, this step amounts to specifying whether access is allowed for each role and each Model/access type, as illustrated in the example below.

    NOTE: you can also map access rights directly to specific users or applications.
  4. Set-up access control for users. Do one of:
    • Statically map users with any role previously created using the Role model. For more information, see Static roles.
    • Add code to register dynamic role resolvers that at runtime resolve whether a user, given a preconfigured set of conditions, has a given role. For more information, see Dynamic roles.

Initial setup

Enabling access control

Applications created with the LoopBack application generator have access control enabled by default, except for the “empty-server” application type. To enable access control for an “empty-server” application, add a boot script that calls enableAuth(); for example:


module.exports = function enableAuthentication(server) {

Preparing access control models

You must configure the User model(s), (and possibly the AccessToken model) according to your set-up.

The best practice is to implement at least one custom user model extending the built-in User model instead of using the built-in User model as-is, as described in Using built-in models.

Usually you don’t need to extend or customize the built-in models Role, RoleMapping, and ACL. Just make sure they are declared in the model-config.json configuration file, or if you don’t need to customize the AccessToken model, pass a datasource to the enableAuth() method as follows:

server.enableAuth({ datasource: 'db' });

Access control with a single user model

In the most common scenario, an application uses only one model that extends the built-in User model and uses the built-in AccessToken model. In this case, you need to change the “belongsTo” relation of the built-in AccessToken model to refer to your custom User model. To do this, edit server/model-config.json file as follows:


  // ...
  "AccessToken": {
    "dataSource": "db",
    "public": false,
    "relations": {
      "user": {
        "type": "belongsTo",
        "model": "CustomUser",
        "foreignKey": "userId"
  // ...
Customizing the AccessToken model

If your application needs to customize the AccessToken model, for example to add extra properties, then you need to modify the User model to use the new AccessToken model for authentication.

In your custom User model definition file, make sure the relations section configures the “accessTokens” relation to use your custom AccessToken model as shown here:


  "name": "CustomUser",
  "base": "User",
  // ...
  "relations": {
    "accessTokens": {
      "type": "hasMany",
      "model": "AccessToken",
      "foreignKey": "userId",
      "options": {
        "disableInclude": true
  // ...

Access control with multiple user models

An application with significantly different types of users may require multiple user models.

If the types of users differ by just a few properties, then it’s easiest to overload a single custom user model with all properties required, and differentiate access control behavior with static roles mapped to the different user types.

If however the different types of users have different access rights and relations with other models or if their properties differ too much from each other, then you may need to use multiple distinct user models. For example, applications where the concept of an organization is involved, creating intertwined layers of relationships and thus of access control.

Consider the following example:

  • Application has Users: app-admins, app-managers, app-auditors, etc.
  • Application has Organizations
  • Organizations have Users: org-admins, org-managers, org-marketing, org-sales
  • Organizations have Customers (which are also Users)

Such an application has three different types of users:

  • App-Managers
  • Org-Managers
  • Org-Customers

Each type of user has different relations with and access rights to the models composing the application.


To use several models extending the built-in User model, you must modify the relations between the users models and the AccessToken models to allow a single AccessToken model to host access tokens for multiple types of users while at the same time allowing each user model instance to be linked to unique related access tokens.

This is achieved by changing the hasMany relation from User to AccessToken and the belongsTo relation from AccessToken to User by their polymorphic equivalents, in which the principalType property is used as a discriminator to resolve which of the potential user model instance an ‘accessToken’ instance belongs to. In addition to having custom user models this requires you also define a custom AccessToken model extending the built-in AccessToken model.


  "name": "AnyCustomUser",
  "base": "User",
  // ..
  "relations": {
    "accessTokens": {
      "type": "hasMany",
      "model": "CustomAccessToken",
      "polymorphic": {
        "foreignKey": "userId",
        "discriminator": "principalType"
      "options": {
        "disableInclude": true
  // ..


  "name": "CustomAccessToken",
  "base": "AccessToken",
  // ..
  "relations": {
    "user": {
    "type": "belongsTo",
      "idName": "id",
      "polymorphic": {
        "idType": "string",
        "foreignKey": "userId",
        "discriminator": "principalType"
  // ...

Don’t forget to specify the custom accessToken model as follows:


  // ...
  "auth": {
    "loopback#token": {
      "params": {
        "model": "CustomAccessToken"
  // ...

Note: Alternatively, you can put these lines in the server.js file or in a boot script, once again paying attention to the name of the custom accessToken model.


var loopback = require('loopback');
  model: app.models.CustomAccessToken
Methods and parameters impacted when using multiple user models

Anytime a method is expecting the principalType for a principal of the User type (as-is or nested in an AccessContext object), provide the name of the targeted user model name (e.g. 'oneCustomUserModelName') instead of the usual Principal.USER (or 'USER').
Such methods include: Role.getRoles() and Role.isInRole(). For example:

  principalType: 'oneCustomUserModelName',
  principalId: 123,

Role instance method Role.prototype.users(): the method which return all the users mapped with a given role instance should now be called with the following syntax:

roleInstance.users({where: {
  principalType: 'oneCustomUserModelName'

RoleMapping static methods: these methods either accessed directly or through the relation principals of the Role model should also use the new principalType syntax, for example:

  principalType: 'oneCustomUserModelName',
  principalId: 123

Exposing and hiding models, methods, and endpoints

To expose a model over REST, set the public property to true in /server/model-config.json:

  "Role": {
    "dataSource": "db",
    "public": false

Hiding methods and REST endpoints

If you don’t want to expose certain create, retrieve, update, and delete operations, you can easily hide them by calling  disableRemoteMethodByName() on the model.  For example, following the previous example, by convention custom model code would go in the file common/models/location.js. You would add the following lines to “hide” one of the predefined remote methods:



Now the deleteById() operation and the corresponding REST endpoint will not be publicly available.

For a method on the prototype object, such as updateAttributes():



Here’s an example of hiding all methods of the MyUser model, except for login and logout. It assumes MyUser is an extended built-in User model:

MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("upsert");                               // disables PATCH /MyUsers
MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("find");                                 // disables GET /MyUsers
MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("replaceOrCreate");                      // disables PUT /MyUsers
MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("create");                               // disables POST /MyUsers

MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("prototype.updateAttributes");           // disables PATCH /MyUsers/{id}
MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("findById");                             // disables GET /MyUsers/{id}
MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("exists");                               // disables HEAD /MyUsers/{id}
MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("replaceById");                          // disables PUT /MyUsers/{id}
MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("deleteById");                           // disables DELETE /MyUsers/{id}

MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName('prototype.__get__accessTokens');        // disable GET /MyUsers/{id}/accessTokens
MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName('prototype.__create__accessTokens');     // disable POST /MyUsers/{id}/accessTokens
MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName('prototype.__delete__accessTokens');     // disable DELETE /MyUsers/{id}/accessTokens

MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName('prototype.__findById__accessTokens');   // disable GET /MyUsers/{id}/accessTokens/{fk}
MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName('prototype.__updateById__accessTokens'); // disable PUT /MyUsers/{id}/accessTokens/{fk}
MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName('prototype.__destroyById__accessTokens');// disable DELETE /MyUsers/{id}/accessTokens/{fk}

MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName('prototype.__count__accessTokens');      // disable  GET /MyUsers/{id}/accessTokens/count

MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("prototype.verify");                     // disable POST /MyUsers/{id}/verify
MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("changePassword");                       // disable POST /MyUsers/change-password
MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("createChangeStream");                   // disable GET and POST /MyUsers/change-stream

MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("confirm");                              // disables GET /MyUsers/confirm
MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("count");                                // disables GET /MyUsers/count
MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("findOne");                              // disables GET /MyUsers/findOne

//MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("login");                                // disables POST /MyUsers/login
//MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("logout");                               // disables POST /MyUsers/logout

MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("resetPassword");                        // disables POST /MyUsers/reset
MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("setPassword");                          // disables POST /MyUsers/reset-password
MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("update");                               // disables POST /MyUsers/update
MyUser.disableRemoteMethodByName("upsertWithWhere");                      // disables POST /MyUsers/upsertWithWhere

Read-only endpoints example

You may want to only expose read-only operations on your model; in other words hiding all operations that use HTTP POST, PUT, DELETE method.


Product.disableRemoteMethodByName('create');		// Removes (POST) /products
Product.disableRemoteMethodByName('upsert');		// Removes (PUT) /products
Product.disableRemoteMethodByName('deleteById');	// Removes (DELETE) /products/:id
Product.disableRemoteMethodByName("updateAll");		// Removes (POST) /products/update
Product.disableRemoteMethodByName("prototype.updateAttributes"); // Removes (PUT) /products/:id
Product.disableRemoteMethodByName("prototype.patchAttributes");  // Removes (PATCH) /products/:id
Product.disableRemoteMethodByName('createChangeStream'); // Removes (GET|POST) /products/change-stream

To disable REST endpoints for related model methods, use disableRemoteMethodByName().

For example, if there are post and tag models, where a post hasMany tags, add the following code to /common/models/post.js  to disable the remote methods for the related model and the corresponding REST endpoints: 


module.exports = function(Post) {
  Post.disableRemoteMethodByName('prototype.__destroyById__accessTokens'); // DELETE
  Post.disableRemoteMethodByName('prototype.__updateById__accessTokens'); // PUT

Hiding properties

To hide a property of a model exposed over REST, define a hidden property. See Model definition JSON file (Hidden properties).