
LoopBack components are predefined packages that extend a basic LoopBack application. Fundamentally, a component is related code bundled together as a unit to enable LoopBack applications to easily reuse it. They are registered to the app using  component-config.json.

Components can be official StrongLoop npm packages or custom components. This page is about custom components.

How to create components

A LoopBack component is basically a node module which accepts a LoopBack application instance and an accompanying configuration object. Using the available LoopBack application instance and the configuration object, the functionality of the component can be programmed according to the requirements.

The following are some examples to help you understand the components API.

In this example, the component mounts a middleware on the path specified in the path, property of the options object, which prints a message “Your Component”, when a request is made to the path.


module.exports = function (loopbackApplication, options) {
  loopbackApplication.use(options.path, function (req, res, next) {
    res.send('Your Component');

In this example, the component mounts a middleware which prints the options object to the console.


module.exports = function (loopbackApplication, options) {
  loopbackApplication.use(function (req, res, next) {

While a lot of components mount a middleware of some kind, all components need not do so. For example, this component prints the loopback version on initialization, and does nothing more than that.


module.exports = function (loopbackApplication) {
  var version = loopbackApplication.loopback.version;
  console.log('LoopBack v%s', version);

The options parameter passed to the component function is the value specified in the component-config.json file for the component. The value can be any valid JavaScript data type. The next section explains how to register components using the component-config.json file, and specify its options property.

Registering components

An application will load all components that have an entry in the component-config.json that does not evaluate to false. If the component is installed using npm, use its package name as the key; if the component is a local component, specify its relative path from the server directory.

Here is an example of a component-config.json file with entries for a component installed via npm, and the three local components described earlier.

  "loopback-component-explorer": {
    "mountPath": "/explorer"
  "./components/my-component": {
    "path": "/my-component"
  "./components/show-options": {},
  "./components/version": true