Overview: Android LocalInstallation class

The LocalInstallation class is not a client mirror of the server Installation Model. Instead, it wraps the Installation model into an API that makes it easy to implement the correct client semantics.

  1. When LocalInstallation.save() is called by the application for the first time, a new Installation record is created on the server. The data are cached in application’s SharedPreferences, thus all subsequent calls of save() update this existing record. That way there is exactly one Installation record for each instance of the application (each phone running the app).
  2. It is ok to create a new LocalInstallation instance whenever you need to update any of the Installation properties. Since the data is cached in SharedPreferences, all LocalInstallation objects are initialized from the same data at the creation time. Just don’t forget to call save to persist your changes both on the server and in the local storage.

Associating installations with authenticated users

  1. By default, userId is null, which means the user has not logged in yet (has not created an account yet).
  2. After a successful login, call LocalInstallation.setUserId() to update the user relation and save the changes.

    userRepository.loginUser(email, password, new UserRepository<User>.LoginCallback() {
        public void onSuccess(AccessToken token, User currentUser) {
            final LocalInstallation installation = new LocalInstallation(context, adapter);
            installation.save(/* callback */);
        public void onError(Throwable t) {
            // handle the error
  3. After a logout, set userId back to null in order to flag the installation as anonymous.

    userRepository.logout(new UserRepository<User>.VoidCallback() {
        public void onSuccess() {
            final LocalInstallation installation = new LocalInstallation(context, adapter);
            installation.save(/* callback */);
        public void onError(Throwable t) {
            // handle the error

Alternatively, you can use the status property to flag the installations where the user was logged out. This way it is possible to tell which user was the last one logged on the device:

  1. A new installation has userId: null and  status: "Active".
  2. Login updates the userId with a non-empty id value and sets status: "Active".
  3. Logout keeps the userId value but changes the status to a differed value, e.g. "LoggedOut".
  4. Subsequent login updates the userId to the new id value and sets status back to "Active".