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Adds a new remote method to an existing application.

lb remote-method [options] [<modelName>] [<methodName>]

With API Connect v5 developer toolkit:

apic loopback:remote-method [options]

With legacy StrongLoop tools:

slc loopback:remote-method [options] [<modelName>] [<methodName>]


-h, --help
Print the generator’s options and usage.
Do not remember prompt answers. Default is false.
Do not automatically install dependencies. Default is false.


All arguments are optional.

Argument Description Type
modelName Name of the model String
methodName Name of the remote method String

Interactive Prompts

The tool will prompt you for:

  • Name of the model to which to add the remote method.
  • Name of the remote method.
  • Whether the method is static (or an instance method).
  • Description of the method.
  • One or more HTTP endpoints, with corresponding accept and return arguments and their types.