Page Contents
The following pages are tagged with
Title | Excerpt |
Add a custom Express route | Because LoopBack is built on Express, you can add custom routes just as you do in Express. |
Add a static web page | LoopBack leverages Express middleware to make it easy to serve up static content such as web pages. |
Connect your API to a data source | LoopBack enables you to easily persist your data model to a variety of data sources without having to write code. |
Create AngularJS client | The LoopBack AngularJS SDK enables you to easily create a client JavaScript API to consume your LoopBack REST API. |
Create a simple API | Use the application generator tool to quickly create a LoopBack application, models, and data sources. |
Create new data source | You can easily connect a LoopBack application to multiple different data sources. |
Create new models | Creating models with the model generator is quick and easy. |
Creating an application | Use the LoopBack application generator to create a new application. |
Define a remote hook | A remote hook is a function that's executed before or after a remote method. |
Define access controls | Access controls determine which users are allowed to read and write model data and execute methods on the models. |
Define model relations | Relations among models enable you to query related models and perform corresponding validations. |
Extend your API | In LoopBack, a Node function attached to a custom REST endpoint is called a remote method. |
Getting started - part II | This tutorial picks up where the Getting started with LoopBack tutorial ends, and it assumes you understand the basic concepts and tasks introduced in the fi... |
Getting started with LoopBack | A short tutorial to introduce you to LoopBack. |
Introducing the Coffee Shop Reviews app | Coffee Shop Reviews is a complete small application that illustrates many of LoopBack's basic features and how they work together. |
Migrating apps to LoopBack 3.x | How to migrate applications from LoopBack 2.x to 3.x. |
Use API Explorer | LoopBack applications come with a built-in API Explorer you can use to test REST API operations during development. |
LoopBack 3.x | {% include important.html content="If you're new to LoopBack, use the current release, [LoopBack 4.0](/doc/en/lb4/index.html). " %} ## Install LoopBack tools Install the LoopBack command-line interface (CLI) tool to create and modify LoopBack apps To install the LoopBack CLI tool, enter this command: ``` npm install -g loopback-cli ``` For more... |