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Add a custom Express route Because LoopBack is built on Express, you can add custom routes just as you do in Express.
Add a static web page LoopBack leverages Express middleware to make it easy to serve up static content such as web pages.
Connect your API to a data source LoopBack enables you to easily persist your data model to a variety of data sources without having to write code.
Create AngularJS client The LoopBack AngularJS SDK enables you to easily creates a client JavaScript API to consume your LoopBack REST API.
Create a simple API Use the application generator tool to quickly create a LoopBack application, models, and data sources.
Create new data source You can easily connect a LoopBack application to multiple different data sources.
Create new models Creating models with the model generator is quick and easy.
Creating an application Use the LoopBack application generator to create a new application.
Define a remote hook A remote hook is a function that's executed before or after a remote method.
Define access controls Access controls determine which users are allowed to read and write model data and execute methods on the models.
Define model relations Relations among models enable you to query related models and perform corresponding validations.
Extend your API In LoopBack, a Node function attached to a custom REST endpoint is called a remote method.
Getting started - part II This tutorial picks up where the Getting started with LoopBack tutorial ends, and it assumes you understand the basic concepts and tasks introduced in the fi...
Getting started with LoopBack A short tutorial to introduce you to LoopBack.
Installation You can install LoopBack via either API Connect or StrongLoop.
Installing IBM API Connect Create, run, manage, and secure your APIs with IBM API Connect.
Installing compiler tools To install StrongLoop tools (but not API Connect), you must have compiler tools installed.
Introducing the Coffee Shop Reviews app Coffee Shop Reviews is a complete small application that illustrates many of LoopBack's basic features and how they work together.
Use API Explorer LoopBack applications come with a built-in API Explorer you can use to test REST API operations during development.
LoopBack 2.x LoopBack 2.x has reached end-of-life in April 2019. It is no longer supported.