A Controller
is a class that implements operations defined by an application’s
API. It implements an application’s business logic and acts as a bridge between
the HTTP/REST API and domain/database models. Decorations are added to a
class and its members to map the API operations of the application
to the corresponding controller’s operations. A Controller
operates only on
processed input and abstractions of backend services / databases.
This page will only cover a Controller
’s usage with REST APIs.
In the Operation example in Routes, the greet()
operation was
defined as a plain JavaScript function. The example below shows this as a
Controller method in TypeScript.
// plain function Operation
function greet(name: string) {
return `hello ${name}`;
// Controller method Operation
class MyController {
greet(name: string) {
return `hello ${name}`;
Routing to Controllers
This is a basic API Specification used in the following examples. It is an Operation Object.
const spec = {
parameters: [{name: 'name', schema: {type: 'string'}, in: 'query'}],
responses: {
'200': {
description: 'greeting text',
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: {type: 'string'},
There are several ways to define Routes
to Controller methods. The first
example defines a route to the Controller without any magic.
// ... in your application constructor
this.route('get', '/greet', spec, MyController, 'greet');
Decorators allow you to annotate your Controller methods with routing metadata,
so LoopBack can call the app.route()
function for you.
import {get} from '@loopback/rest';
class MyController {
@get('/greet', spec)
greet(name: string) {
return `hello ${name}`;
// ... in your application constructor
Specifying Controller APIs
For larger LoopBack applications, you can organize your routes into API
Specifications using the OpenAPI specification. The @api
decorator takes a
spec with type ControllerSpec
which comprises of a string basePath
and a
Paths Object
Note that it is not the full
// ... in your application constructor
openapi: '3.0.0',
info: {
title: 'Hello World App',
version: '1.0.0',
paths: {
'/greet': {
get: {
'x-operation-name': 'greet',
'x-controller-name': 'MyController',
parameters: [{name: 'name', schema: {type: 'string'}, in: 'query'}],
responses: {
'200': {
description: 'greeting text',
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: {type: 'string'},
The @api
decorator allows you to annotate your Controller with a
specification, so LoopBack can call the app.api()
function for you.
openapi: '3.0.0',
info: {
title: 'Hello World App',
version: '1.0.0',
paths: {
'/greet': {
get: {
'x-operation-name': 'greet',
'x-controller-name': 'MyController',
parameters: [{name: 'name', schema: {type: 'string'}, in: 'query'}],
responses: {
'200': {
description: 'greeting text',
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: {type: 'string'},
class MyController {
greet(name: string) {
return `hello ${name}`;
Writing Controller methods
Below is an example Controller that uses several built in helpers (decorators). These helpers give LoopBack hints about the Controller methods.
import {HelloRepository} from '../repositories';
import {HelloMessage} from '../models';
import {get, param} from '@loopback/rest';
import {repository} from '@loopback/repository';
export class HelloController {
@repository(HelloRepository) protected repository: HelloRepository,
) {}
// returns a list of our objects
async list(@param.query.number('limit') limit = 10): Promise<HelloMessage[]> {
if (limit > 100) limit = 100; // your logic
return this.repository.find({limit}); // a CRUD method from our repository
extends fromRepository
, which is LoopBack’s database abstraction. See Repositories for more.HelloMessage
is the arbitrary object thatlist
returns a list of.@get('/messages')
automatically creates the Paths Item Object for OpenAPI spec, which also handles request routing.@param.query.number
specifies in the spec being generated that the route takes a parameter via query which will be a number.
Modifying Specifications Created by Controller Generator
You can run generator to create REST controllers with CRUD methods. The command and prompts are explained in page controller-generator. To modify the OpenAPI specifications of REST controllers, you can leverage the specification enhancers.
For example, the default naming convention for a path’s operationId
. To override the operationId
with a custom
one ${controllerName}-${methodName}
, you can define an enhancer as:
import {injectable} from '@loopback/core';
import {
} from '@loopback/rest';
* A spec enhancer to modify `operationId` in paths
export class OperationSpecEnhancer implements OASEnhancer {
name = 'operationIdEnhancer';
// takes in the current spec, modifies it, and returns a new one
modifySpec(spec: OpenApiSpec): OpenApiSpec {
const paths = spec.paths;
for (const path in paths) {
for (const op in path) {
const operationId = paths[path][op].operationId;
// change operationId from 'MyController.MyMethod' to
// 'MyController-MyMethod'
if (operationId)
paths[path][op].operationId = operationId.replace('.', '-');
return spec;
Class factory to allow parameterized decorations
Since decorations applied on a top-level class cannot have references to variables, you can create a class factory that allows parameterized decorations as shown in the example below.
function createControllerClass(version: string, basePath: string) {
@api({basePath: `${basePath}`})
class Controller {
@get(`/${version}`) find() {}
For a complete example, see parameterized-decoration.ts .
Handling Errors in Controllers
In order to specify errors for controller methods to throw, the class
is used. HttpErrors
is a class that has been re-exported from
http-errors, and can be found in
the @loopback/rest
Listed below are some of the most common error codes. The full list of supported codes is found here.
Status Code | Error |
400 | BadRequest |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | NotFound |
500 | InternalServerError |
502 | BadGateway |
503 | ServiceUnavailable |
504 | GatewayTimeout |
The example below shows the previous controller revamped with HttpErrors
with a test to verify that the error is thrown properly.
import {HelloController} from '../../../controllers';
import {HelloRepository} from '../../../repositories';
import {testdb} from '../../fixtures/datasources/testdb.datasource';
import {expect} from '@loopback/testlab';
import {HttpErrors} from '@loopback/rest';
const HttpError = HttpErrors.HttpError;
describe('Hello Controller', () => {
it('returns 422 Unprocessable Entity for non natural number limit', () => {
const repo = new HelloRepository(testdb);
const controller = new HelloController(repo);
return expect(controller.list(0.4)).to.be.rejectedWith(HttpError, {
message: 'limit is not a natural number',
statusCode: 422,
import {HelloRepository} from '../repositories';
import {HelloMessage} from '../models';
import {get, param, HttpErrors} from '@loopback/rest';
import {repository} from '@loopback/repository';
export class HelloController {
constructor(@repository(HelloRepository) protected repo: HelloRepository) {}
// returns a list of our objects
async list(@param.query.number('limit') limit = 10): Promise<HelloMessage[]> {
// throw an error when the parameter is not a natural number
if (!Number.isInteger(limit) || limit < 1) {
throw new HttpErrors.UnprocessableEntity('limit is not a natural number');
} else if (limit > 100) {
limit = 100;
return this.repo.find({limit});
Creating Controllers at Runtime
A controller can be created for a model at runtime using the
helper function from the @loopback/rest-crud
package. It accepts a Model class and a CrudRestControllerOptions
Dependency injection for the controller has to be configured by applying the
decorator manually as shown in the example below.
const basePath = '/' + bookDef.name;
const BookController = defineCrudRestController(BookModel, {basePath});
inject(repoBinding.key)(BookController, undefined, 0);
The controller is then attached to the app by calling the app.controller()
The new CRUD REST endpoints for the model will be available on the app now.
If you want a customized controller, you can create a copy of
and modify it according to your requirements.
For details about defineCrudRestController
and CrudRestControllerOptions
refer to the @loopback/rest-crud API documentation.