What is a Sequence?

A Sequence is a series of steps to control how a specific type of Server responds to incoming requests. Each types of servers, such as RestServer, GraphQLServer, GRPCServer, and WebSocketServer, will have its own flavor of sequence. The sequence represents the pipeline for inbound connections.

The contract of a Sequence is simple: it must produce a response for a request. The signature will vary by server types.

Each server type has a default sequence. It’s also possible to create your own Sequence to have full control over how your Server instances handle requests and responses.

For now, we focus on Sequence for REST Servers, which has two flavors.

Middleware-based sequence for REST Server

The middleware-based sequence is introduced by @loopback/rest v6.0.0. It consists of groups of cascading middleware that allow better extensibility and composability. Newly generated LoopBack applications use this approach by default.

Action-based sequence for REST Server

The action-based sequence is the default implementation for @loopback/rest version 5.x or below. The sequence is a generated class that contains hard-coded actions in the handle method and can be modified by application developers to extend or customize the steps. It is supported for backward compatibility and will be deprecated and removed in future releases.