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The Sequence generated before @loopback/rest@6.0.0 comes with hard-coded actions as follows:

import {inject} from '@loopback/core';
import {
} from '@loopback/rest';

const SequenceActions = RestBindings.SequenceActions;

export class MySequence implements SequenceHandler {
   * Optional invoker for registered middleware in a chain.
   * To be injected via SequenceActions.INVOKE_MIDDLEWARE.
  @inject(SequenceActions.INVOKE_MIDDLEWARE, {optional: true})
  protected invokeMiddleware: InvokeMiddleware = () => false;

    @inject(SequenceActions.FIND_ROUTE) protected findRoute: FindRoute,
    @inject(SequenceActions.PARSE_PARAMS) protected parseParams: ParseParams,
    @inject(SequenceActions.INVOKE_METHOD) protected invoke: InvokeMethod,
    @inject(SequenceActions.SEND) public send: Send,
    @inject(SequenceActions.REJECT) public reject: Reject,
  ) {}

  async handle(context: RequestContext) {
    try {
      const {request, response} = context;
      const finished = await this.invokeMiddleware(context);
      if (finished) return;
      const route = this.findRoute(request);
      const args = await this.parseParams(request, route);
      const result = await this.invoke(route, args);
      this.send(response, result);
    } catch (err) {
      this.reject(context, err);

The legacy Sequence is now deprecated but it should continue to work without any changes.

If you have never customized src/sequence.ts generated by lb4 app, or you have only modified the code by adding authenticate action per our docs, you can simply migrate to the middleware based sequence by replacing the content of src/sequence.ts with the code below.

import {MiddlewareSequence} from '@loopback/rest';

export class MySequence extends MiddlewareSequence {}

If you have other actions in your sequence, e.g., complex error handling per end-point, you’ll have to write a Middleware to wrap your action and register it with the middleware chain for the middleware-based sequence.

This can be achieved by creating a Middleware in src/middlewares/error-handler.middleware.ts with the code below:

import {inject, injectable, Next, Provider} from '@loopback/core';
import {
} from '@loopback/rest';

    group: 'validationError',
    upstreamGroups: RestMiddlewareGroups.SEND_RESPONSE,
    downstreamGroups: RestMiddlewareGroups.CORS,
export class ErrorHandlerMiddlewareProvider implements Provider<Middleware> {
    protected logError: LogError,
  ) {}

  async value() {
    const middleware: Middleware = async (
      ctx: MiddlewareContext,
      next: Next,
    ) => {
      try {
        return await next();
      } catch (err) {
        // Any error handling goes here
        return this.handleError(ctx, err);
    return middleware;

  handleError(context: MiddlewareContext, err: HttpErrors.HttpError): Response {
    // We simply log the error although more complex scenarios can be performed
    // such as customizing errors for a specific endpoint
    this.logError(err, err.statusCode, context.request);
    throw err;

then bond to the application src/application.ts by:

import {ErrorHandlerMiddlewareProvider} from './middlewares';

 constructor(options: ApplicationConfig = {}) {
// ...

As part of the legacy action-based sequence, the invoke function takes route and args as input parameters and returns result.

const route = this.findRoute(request);
const args = await this.parseParams(request, route);
const result = await this.invoke(route, args);
this.send(response, result);

The corresponding middleware for invokeMethod looks like the following. It now uses the context to retrieve route and params instead. The return value is also bound to RestBindings.Operation.RETURN_VALUE to expose to other middleware in the chain, as illustrated below.

export class ErrorHandlerMiddlewareProvider implements Provider<Middleware> {
  async value() {
    const middleware: Middleware = async (
            ctx: MiddlewareContext,
            next: Next,
    ) => {
      try {
        // Locate or inject input parameters from the request context
        const route: RouteEntry = await ctx.get(RestBindings.Operation.ROUTE);
        const params: OperationArgs = await ctx.get(RestBindings.Operation.PARAMS);
        const retVal = await this.invokeMethod(route, params);
        // Bind the return value to the request context
        return await next();
      } catch (err) {
        // Any error handling goes here
    return middleware;