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There are a few advanced usages of the LoopBack core modules that are not covered by the Greeter Extension and Greeter Application example.

Create your own decorator

You can create your own decorator:

  1. Create a new decorator from scratch by using DecoratorFactory from @loopback/core. See an example in custom-inject-decorator.ts

  2. Create a sugar decorator for an existing decorator.

    export function globalInterceptor(group?: string) {
      injectable({tags: [ContextTags.GLOBAL_INTERCEPTOR]});

Create your own injector

You can also create your own injector. See the dependency injection docs page for more details.

export function env(name: string) {
  return inject('', {resolve: () => process.env[name]});

For a complete example, see

Class factory to allow parameterized decorations

Since decorations applied on a top-level class cannot have references to variables, you might want to create a class factory that allows parameterized decorations.

function createControllerClass(version: string, basePath: string) {
  @api({basePath: `${basePath}`})
  class Controller {
    @get(`/${version}`) find() {}

For a complete example, see parameterized-decoration.ts.

Trigger dependency injection with an explicit context

class InjectionHelper {
  public readonly request: Request) {}
const interceptor: Interceptor = (invocationCtx, next) => {
  const helper = instantiateClass(invocationCtx, InjectionHelper);
  const request = helper.request;

Magic ValueOrPromise

For the dependency injection framework, there are two flavors: synchronous and asynchronous.

Context.getSync() resolves a value synchronously, whereas Context.get() allows you to resolve the value asynchronous and returns a Promise.

When ValueOrPromise is being used in a value provider, if the value is produced synchronously, a value will be returned, otherwise a Promise will be return. When multiple dependencies are involved to resolve the value for a binding, a Promise will be returned if at least one of the bindings produces a Promise.

Using the ChineseGreeter as an example, it has a dependency of the configuration object to be injected as instructed by @config.

 * A greeter implementation for Chinese.
export class ChineseGreeter implements Greeter {
  language = 'zh';
     * Inject the configuration for ChineseGreeter
    private options: ChineseGreeterOptions = {nameFirst: true},
  ) {}
  greet(name: string) {
    if (this.options && this.options.nameFirst === false) {
      return `你好,${name}!`;
    return `${name},你好!`;

There are two ways to configure the greeter.

Option 1

app.configure('greeters.ChineseGreeter').to({nameFirst: false});

We call app.getSync('greeters.ChineseGreeter') or app.get('greeters.ChineseGreeter') to get the ChineseGreeter.

Option 2

  .toDynamicValue(async () => ({nameFirst: false}));

We can only call app.get('greeters.ChineseGreeter') because the configuration dependencies is asynchronous. Please note app.getSync() will throw an exception to indicate that the ChineseGreeter binding cannot be resolved synchronously.

More examples

For more examples, refer the Context example.

Previous: Part 9 - Boot by convention

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