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Previously: This article continues from [Defining your testing strategy(./

Incrementally implement features

To recapitulate the status of your new project:

  • You have defined your application’s API and described it in an OpenAPI Spec document.
  • You have empty controllers backing your new operations.
  • Our project has a test verifying the validity of your API spec. This test passes.
  • Our test suite includes a smoke test to verify conformance of your implementation with the API spec. These checks are all failing now.

Now it’s time to put your testing strategy outlined in the previous section into practice. Pick one of the new API operations, preferably the one that’s easiest to implement, and get to work!

Start with GET /product/{slug} in this guide.

Write an acceptance test

One “acceptance test”, where you start the application, make an HTTP request to search for a given product name, and verify that expected products were returned. This verifies that all parts of your application are correctly wired together.

Create src/__tests__/acceptance/product.acceptance.ts with the following contents:

import {HelloWorldApp} from '../..';
import {RestBindings, RestServer} from '@loopback/rest';
import {Client, expect, supertest} from '@loopback/testlab';

describe('Product (acceptance)', () => {
  let app: HelloWorldApp;
  let request: Client;


  it('retrieves product details', async () => {
    // arrange
    const product = await givenProduct({
      name: 'Ink Pen',
      slug: 'ink-pen',
      price: 1,
      category: 'Stationery',
      description: 'The ultimate ink-powered pen for daily writing',
      label: 'popular',
      available: true,
      endDate: null,

    // act
    const response = await request.get('/product/ink-pen');

    // assert
      name: 'Ink Pen',
      slug: 'ink-pen',
      price: 1,
      category: 'Stationery',
      available: true,
      description: 'The ultimate ink-powered pen for daily writing',
      label: 'popular',
      endDate: null,

  async function givenEmptyDatabase() {
    // TODO

  async function givenRunningApp() {
    app = new HelloWorldApp({
      rest: {
        port: 0,
    await app.start();
    request = supertest(app.restServer.url);

  async function givenProduct(data: Object) {
    // TODO
    return Object.assign({}, data, {id: 1});

Notice there are few missing pieces annotated with TODO comments. Well come back to them very soon. Remember, when practicing TDD in small steps, the goal is to add as little test code as needed to uncover a missing piece in the production code, and then add just enough production code to make your new test pass (while keeping all existing tests passing too).

Run the tests and watch the new test fail:

  1) Product (acceptance) retrieves product details:
     Error: expected 200 "OK", got 404 "Not Found"

When you scroll up in the test output, you will see more information about the 404 error:

Unhandled error in GET /product/ink-pen: 404 Error: Controller method not found: ProductController.getDetails

Learn more about acceptance testing in Test your individual REST API endpoints from Testing your application.

Write a unit-test for the new controller method

The new acceptance test is failing because there is no getDetails method implemented by ProductController. Start with a unit-test to drive the implementation of this new method. Please refer to Unit-test your Controllers for more details.

Create tests/unit/product-controller.test.ts with the following contents:

import {ProductController} from '../..';
import {expect} from '@loopback/testlab';

describe('ProductController', () => {
  describe('getDetails()', () => {
    it('retrieves details of a given product', async () => {
      const controller = new ProductController();
      const details = controller.getDetails('ink-pen');
        name: 'Ink Pen',
        slug: 'ink-pen',

This test is clearly not describing a final solution, for example there is no Product model and repository involved. However, it’s a good first increment that drives enough of the initial controller implementation. This shows the power of unit testing - you can test this new controller method in isolation, independent from the other moving parts of the application, even before those other parts are implemented!

Run npm test and watch the test fail with a helpful error message:

TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript
src/__tests__/unit/product-controller.test.ts (13,40): Property 'getDetails' does not exist on type 'ProductController'. (2339)

Now it’s time to write the first implementation of the getDetails method. Modify the file src/controllers/product-controller.ts as follows:

export class ProductController {
  async getDetails(slug: string) {
    return {
      name: 'Ink Pen',
      slug: 'ink-pen',

Run npm test to see your new test pass. Notice that the Dredd-powered test of /product/{slug} is passing too, and your acceptance test is failing with a different error now - the response does not contain all expected product properties.

While it’s possible to further iterate by adding more unit tests, a more valuable next step is to write an integration test to verify that your new API is using data from your backing database.

Write an integration test for the new controller method

Create tests/integration/product-controller.integration.ts with the following contents:

import {ProductController} from '../..';
import {expect} from '@loopback/testlab';

describe('ProductController (integration)', () => {

  describe('getDetails()', () => {
    it('retrieves details of the given product', async () => {
      const inkPen = await givenProduct({
        name: 'Ink Pen',
        slug: 'ink-pen',

      const pencil = await givenProduct({
        name: 'Pencil',
        slug: 'pencil',

      const controller = new ProductController();

      const details = await controller.getDetails('pencil');


  async function givenEmptyDatabase() {
    // TODO

  async function givenProduct(data: Object) {
    // TODO
    return Object.assign({}, data, {id: 1});

Run npm test to see the new test fail.

AssertionError: expected Object { name: 'Ink Pen', slug: 'ink-pen' } to equal Object { name: 'Pencil', slug: 'pencil', id: 1 } (at name, Ahas 'Ink Pen' and B has 'Pencil')
+ expected - actual

  -  "name": "Ink Pen"
  -  "slug": "ink-pen"
  +  "id": 1
  +  "name": "Pencil"
  +  "slug": "pencil"

Please refer to Test your Controllers and Repositories together to learn more about integration testing.

Take a closer look at the new test. To make it fail with the current implementation, you need to find a different scenario compared to what is covered by the unit test. You could simply change the data, but that would add little value to the test suite. Instead, take this opportunity to cover another requirement of “get product details” operation: it should return the details of the product that matches the “slug” parameter passed in the arguments.

The next step is bigger than is usual in an incremental TDD workflow. You need to connect to the database and define classes to work with the data.

Define Product model, repository, and data source

LoopBack is agnostic when it comes to accessing databases. You can choose any package from the npm module ecosystem. On the other hand, we also want LoopBack users to have a recommended solution that’s covered by technical support. Welcome to @loopback/repository, a TypeScript facade for the loopback-datasource-juggler implementation in LoopBack 3.x.

  1. Define Product model in src/models/product.model.ts

    import {Entity, model, property} from '@loopback/repository';
    export class Product extends Entity {
        description: 'The unique identifier for a product',
        id: true,
      id: number;
      @property({required: true})
      name: string;
      @property({required: true})
      slug: string;
      @property({required: true})
      price: number;
      // Add the remaining properties yourself:
      // description, available, category, label, endData

    TODO(bajtos) Find out how to re-use ProductBaseSchema for the model definition

  2. Define a data source representing a single source of data, typically a database. This example uses in-memory storage. In real applications, replace the memory connector with the actual database connector (postgresql, mongodb, etc.).

    Create src/datasources/db.datasource.ts with the following content:

    import {juggler} from '@loopback/repository';
    export const db = new juggler.DataSource({
      connector: 'memory',
  3. Define ProductRepository in src/repositories/product.repository.ts

    import {DefaultCrudRepository, DataSourceType} from '@loopback/repository';
    import {Product} from '../models/product.model';
    import {db} from '../datasources/db.datasource';
    export class ProductRepository extends DefaultCrudRepository<
    > {
      constructor() {
        super(Product, db);

See Repositories for more details on this topic.

Update test helpers and the controller use real model and repository

Rework givenEmptyDatabase and givenProduct as follows:

async function givenEmptyDatabase() {
  await new ProductRepository().deleteAll();

async function givenProduct(data: Partial<Product>) {
  return new ProductRepository().create(
        name: 'a-product-name',
        slug: 'a-product-slug',
        price: 1,
        description: 'a-product-description',
        available: true,

Notice that givenProduct is filling in required properties with sensible defaults. This is allow tests to provide only a small subset of properties that are strictly required by the tested scenario. This is important for multiple reasons:

  1. It makes tests easier to understand, because it’s immediately clear what model properties are relevant to the test. If the test was setting all required properties, it would be difficult to tell whether some of those properties may be actually relevant to the tested scenario.

  2. It makes tests easier to maintain. As the data model evolves, you will eventually need to add more required properties. If the tests were building product instances manually, you would have to fix all tests to set the new required property. With a shared helper, there is only a single place where to add a value for the new required property.

You can learn more about test data builders in Use test data builders section of Testing your application.

Now that the tests are setting up the test data correctly, it’s time to rework ProductController to make the tests pass again.

import {ProductRepository} from '../repositories/product.repository';
import {Product} from '../models/product.model';

export class ProductController {
  repository: ProductRepository = new ProductRepository();

  async getDetails(slug: string): Promise<Product> {
    const found = await this.repository.find({where: {slug}});
    // TODO: handle "not found" case
    return found[0];

Run tests

Run the tests again. These results may surprise you:

  1. The acceptance test is failing: the response contains some expected properties (slug, name), but is missing most of other properties.

  2. The API smoke test is failing with a cryptic error.

  3. The unit test is passing, despite the fact that it’s not setting up any data at all!

Examine the acceptance test first. A quick review of the source code should tell us what’s the problem - the test is relying on givenEmptyDatabase and givenProduct helpers, but these helpers are not fully implemented yet. Fix that by reusing the helpers from the integration test: Move the helpers to src/__tests__/helpers/database.helpers.ts and update both the acceptance and the integration tests to import the helpers from there.

To find out why the API smoke test is failing, you can start the application via node . and request the tested endpoint for example using curl. You will see that the server responds with 200 OK and an empty response body. This is because getDetails returns undefined when no product matching the slug was found. This can be fixed by adding a before hook to the smoke test. The hook should populate the database with the test data assumed by the examples in the Swagger specification by leveraging existing helpers givenEmptyDatabase and givenProduct.

Now back to the first unit test. It may be a puzzle to figure out why the test is passing, although the answer is simple: the integration and acceptance tests are setting up data in the database, the unit test does not clear the database (because it should not use it at all!) and accidentally happen to expect the same data as one of the other tests.

Decouple Controller from Repository

This shows us a flaw in the current design of the ProductController - it’s difficult to test it in isolation. Fix that by making the dependency on ModelRepository explicit and allow controller users to provide a custom implementation.

class ProductController {
  constructor(public repository: ProductRepository) {}

  // ...

In traditional object-oriented languages like Java or C#, in order to allow the unit tests to provide a custom implementation of the repository API, the controller needs to depend on an interface describing the API, and the repository implementation needs to implement this interface. The situation is easier in JavaScript and TypeScript. Thanks to the dynamic nature of the language, it’s possible to mock/stub entire classes. The sinon testing module, which comes bundled in @loopback/testlab, makes this very easy.

Here is the updated unit test leveraging dependency injection:

import {ProductController, ProductRepository} from '../..';
import {expect, sinon} from '@loopback/testlab';

describe('ProductController', () => {
  let repository: ProductRepository;

  describe('getDetails()', () => {
    it('retrieves details of a product', async () => {
      const controller = new ProductController(repository);
      const findStub = repository.find as sinon.SinonStub;
          id: 1,
          name: 'Ink Pen',
          slug: 'ink-pen',

      const details = await controller.getDetails('ink-pen');

        name: 'Ink Pen',
        slug: 'ink-pen',
      expect(findStub){where: {slug: 'ink-pen'}});

  function givenStubbedRepository() {
    repository = sinon.createStubInstance(ProductRepository);

The new unit test is passing now, but the integration and acceptance tests are broken again!

  1. Fix the integration test by changing how the controller is created - inject new ProductRepository() into the repository argument.

  2. Fix the acceptance test by annotating ProductController’s repository argument with @inject('repositories.Product') and binding the ProductRepository in the main application file where you are also binding controllers.

Learn more about this topic in Unit-test your Controllers and Use test doubles from Testing your application.

Handle ‘product not found’ error

When you wrote the first implementation of getDetails, you assumed the slug always refer to an existing product, which obviously is not always true. Fix the controller to correctly handle this error situation.

Start with a failing unit test:

it('returns 404 Not Found for unknown slug', async () => {
  const controller = new ProductController(repository);
  const findStub = repository.find as sinon.SinonStub;

  try {
    await controller.getDetails('unknown-slug');
    throw new Error('getDetails should have thrown and error');
  } catch (err) {
    expect(err)'statusCode', 404);
    expect(err.message).to.match(/not found/i);

Then fix getDetails implementation:

// ...
import {HttpErrors} from '@loopback/rest';

export class ProductController {
  // ...

  async getDetails(slug: string): Promise<Product> {
    const found = await this.repository.find({where: {slug}});
    if (!found.length) {
      throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`Slug not found: ${slug}`);
    return found[0];

More information on HttpErrors can be found in Controllers

Implement a custom Sequence

LoopBack 3.x is using Express middleware to customize the sequence of actions executed to handle an incoming request: body-parser middleware is converting the request body from JSON to a JavaScript object, strong-error-handler is creating an error response when the request failed.

Express middleware has several shortcomings:

  • It’s based on callback flow control and does not support async functions returning Promises.
  • The order in which middleware needs to be registered can be confusing, for example request logging middleware must be registered as the first one, despite the fact that the log is written only at the end, once the response has been sent.
  • The invocation of middleware handlers is controlled by the framework, application developers have very little choices.

LoopBack 4, abandons Express/Koa-like middleware for a different approach that puts the application developer in the front seat. See Sequence documentation to learn more about this concept.

Now you are going to modify request handling in the application to print a line in the Common Log Format for each request handled.

Start by writing an acceptance test, as described in Test sequence customizations from Testing your application. Create a new test file (e.g. sequence.acceptance.ts) and add the following test:

describe('Sequence (acceptance)', () => {
  let app: HelloWorldApp;
  let request: Client;


  it('prints a log line for each incoming request', async () => {
    const logs: string[] = [];
    const server = await app.getServer(RestServer);
      .to((msg: string) => logs.push(msg));

    const product = await givenProduct({name: 'Pen', slug: 'pen'});
    await request.get('/product/pen');
      /^(::ffff:)?127\.0\.0\.1 - - \[[^]+\] "GET \/product\/pen HTTP\/1.1" 200 -$/,

Run the test suite and watch the test fail.

In the next step, copy the default Sequence implementation to a new project file src/server/sequence.ts:

const RestSequenceActions = RestBindings.SequenceActions;

export class MySequence implements SequenceHandler {
    @inject(RestSequenceActions.FIND_ROUTE) protected findRoute: FindRoute,
    protected parseParams: ParseParams,
    @inject(RestSequenceActions.INVOKE_METHOD) protected invoke: InvokeMethod,
    @inject(RestSequenceActions.SEND) protected send: Send,
    @inject(RestSequenceActions.REJECT) protected reject: Reject,
  ) {}

  async handle(context: RequestContext) {
    try {
      const {request, response} = context;
      const route = this.findRoute(request);
      const args = await this.parseParams(requset, route);
      const result = await this.invoke(route, args);
      this.send(response, result);
    } catch (err) {
      this.reject(context, err);

Register your new sequence with your Server, for example by calling server.sequence(MySequence). Run your tests to verify that everything works the same way as before and the new acceptance test is still failing.

Now it’s time to customize the default sequence to print a common log line. Edit the handle method as follows:

async handle(context: RequestContext) {
  try {
    const {request, response} = context;
    const route = this.findRoute(request);
    const args = await this.parseParams(request, route);
    const result = await this.invoke(route, args);
    this.send(response, result);
      `[${strftime('%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z', new Date())}]`,
      `"${request.method} ${request.path} HTTP/${request.httpVersion}"`,
    ].join(' '));
  } catch (err) {
    this.reject(context, err);

To inject the new method log, add the following line to MySequence constructor arguments:

@inject('sequence.actions.log') protected log: (msg: string) => void

When you run the tests now, you will see that the new acceptance tests for logging passes, but some of the older acceptance tests started to fail. This is because sequence.actions.log is not bound in the application. Fix that by adding the following line after you’ve retrieved your rest server instance:

// assuming you've called `const server = await app.getServer(RestServer)`
server.bind('sequence.actions.log').to((msg: String) => console.log(msg));

With this last change in place, your test suite should be all green again.

The next task is left as an exercise for the reader: \Modify the catch block to print a common log entry too. Start by writing a unit-test that invokes MySequence directly.

Next: Preparing the API for consumption