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BindingScope enum

Scope for binding values


export declare enum BindingScope 

Enumeration Members

Member Value Description
APPLICATION "Application" Application scope
CONTEXT "Context"  
REQUEST "Request" Request scope
SERVER "Server" Server scope
SINGLETON "Singleton" <p>The binding provides a value as a singleton within the context hierarchy (the owning context and its descendants). The value is calculated only once for the owning context and cached for subsequential uses. Child contexts share the same value as their ancestors.</p><p>For example, with the following context hierarchy:</p><p>- app (with a binding 'b1' that produces sequential values 0, 1, …) - req1 - req2</p><p>1. 0 is the singleton for app afterward - app.get(‘b1’) ==> 0 (always)</p><p>2. 'b1' is resolved in app, reuse it for req1 - req1.get(‘b1’) ==> 0 (always)</p><p>3. 'b1' is resolved in app, reuse it for req2 - req2.get(‘b1’) ==> 0 (always)</p>
TRANSIENT "Transient" <p>The binding provides a value that is calculated each time. This will be the default scope if not set.</p><p>For example, with the following context hierarchy:</p><p>- app (with a binding 'b1' that produces sequential values 0, 1, …) - req1 - req2</p><p>Now 'b1' is resolved to a new value each time for app and its descendants req1 and req2: - app.get(‘b1’) ==> 0 - req1.get(‘b1’) ==> 1 - req2.get(‘b1’) ==> 2 - req2.get(‘b1’) ==> 3 - app.get(‘b1’) ==> 4</p>