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Home > @loopback/context > tryCatchFinally

tryCatchFinally() function

Try to run an action that returns a promise or a value with error and final actions to mimic try {} catch(err) {} finally {} for a value or promise.


export declare function tryCatchFinally<T>(action: () => ValueOrPromise<T>, errorAction?: (err: unknown) => T | never, finalAction?: () => void): ValueOrPromise<T>;


Parameter Type Description
action () => ValueOrPromise<T> A function that returns a promise or a value
errorAction (err: unknown) => T | never (Optional) A function to be called once the action is rejected (synchronously or asynchronously). It must either return a new value or throw an error.
finalAction () => void (Optional) A function to be called once the action is fulfilled or rejected (synchronously or asynchronously)

