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deprecated() function

Marks an api path as deprecated. When applied to a class, this decorator marks all paths as deprecated.

You can optionally mark all controllers in a class as deprecated, but use @deprecated(false) on a specific method to ensure it is not marked as deprecated in the specification.


export declare function deprecated(isDeprecated?: boolean): (target: any, method?: string, methodDescriptor?: TypedPropertyDescriptor<any>) => any;


Parameter Type Description
isDeprecated boolean (Optional) whether or not the path should be marked as deprecated. This is useful for marking a class as deprecated, but a method as not deprecated.


(target: any, method?: string, methodDescriptor?: TypedPropertyDescriptor<any>) => any


class MyController {
  public async function greet() {
    return 'Hello, World!'

  public async function greetV2() {
    return 'Hello, World!'

class MyOtherController {
  public async function echo() {
    return 'Echo!'