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RequestContext class

A per-request Context combining an IoC container with handler context (request, response, etc.).


export declare class RequestContext extends MiddlewareContext implements HandlerContext 

Extends: MiddlewareContext

Implements: HandlerContext


Constructor Modifiers Description
(constructor)(request, response, parent, serverConfig, name)   Constructs a new instance of the RequestContext class


Property Modifiers Type Description
basePath readonly string Get the effective base path of the incoming request. This base path combines baseUrl provided by Express when LB4 handler is mounted on a non-root path, with the basePath value configured at LB4 side.
request readonly Request  
requestedBaseUrl readonly string <p>Get the base URL used by the client to make the request. This URL contains the protocol, hostname, port and base path. The path of the invoked route and query string is not included.</p><p>Please note these values may be different from what we are observing at HTTP/TCP level, because reverse proxies like nginx are rewriting them.</p>
requestedProtocol readonly string Get the protocol used by the client to make the request. Please note this protocol may be different from what we are observing at HTTP/TCP level, because reverse proxies like nginx or sidecars like Envoy are switching between protocols.
response readonly Response  
serverConfig readonly RestServerResolvedConfig  


Method Modifiers Description
setupBindings() protected