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repository-json-schema package

Convert a TypeScript class/model to a JSON Schema for users, leveraging LoopBack4’s decorators, metadata, and reflection system.


Modules to easily convert LoopBack4 models that have been decorated with @model and @property to a matching JSON Schema Definition.


Function Description
getFieldsJsonSchemaFor(modelCtor, options) Build a JSON schema describing the format of the “fields” object used to include or exclude properties of model instances.
getFilterJsonSchemaFor(modelCtor, options) <p>Build a JSON schema describing the format of the “filter” object used to query model instances.</p><p>Note we don’t take the model properties into account yet and return a generic json schema allowing any “where” condition.</p>
getJsonSchema(ctor, options) Gets the JSON Schema of a TypeScript model/class by seeing if one exists in a cache. If not, one is generated and then cached.
getJsonSchemaRef(modelCtor, options) Describe the provided Model as a reference to a definition shared by multiple endpoints. The definition is included in the returned schema.
getNavigationalPropertyForRelation(relMeta, targetRef) Checks and return navigational property definition for the relation
getScopeFilterJsonSchemaFor(modelCtor, options) <p>Build a JSON schema describing the format of the “scope” object used to query model instances.</p><p>Note we don’t take the model properties into account yet and return a generic json schema allowing any “where” condition.</p>
getWhereJsonSchemaFor(modelCtor, options) <p>Build a JSON schema describing the format of the “where” object used to filter model instances to query, update or delete.</p><p>Note we don’t take the model properties into account yet and return a generic json schema allowing any “where” condition.</p>
isArrayType(type) Determines whether a given string or constructor is array type or not
metaToJsonProperty(meta) Converts property metadata into a JSON property definition
modelToJsonSchema(ctor, jsonSchemaOptions) Converts a TypeScript class into a JSON Schema using TypeScript’s reflection API
stringTypeToWrapper(type) Gets the wrapper function of primitives string, number, and boolean


Interface Description


Variable Description
JSON_SCHEMA_KEY Metadata key used to set or retrieve repository JSON Schema

Type Aliases

Type Alias Description
Optional Optional: From T make a set of properties by key K become optional