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MetadataInspector class

Inspector for metadata applied by decorators


export declare class MetadataInspector 


Property Modifiers Type Description
DesignTimeReflector <p>static</p><p>readonly</p> NamespacedReflect Expose the reflector for TypeScript design-time metadata
Reflector <p>static</p><p>readonly</p> NamespacedReflect Expose Reflector, which is a wrapper of Reflect and it uses loopback as the namespace prefix for all metadata keys


Method Modifiers Description
defineMetadata(key, value, target, member) static Define metadata for the given target
getAllMethodMetadata(key, target, options) static Get the metadata associated with the given key for all methods of the target class or prototype
getAllParameterMetadata(key, target, methodName, options) static Get the metadata associated with the given key for all parameters of a given method
getAllPropertyMetadata(key, target, options) static Get the metadata associated with the given key for all properties of the target class or prototype
getClassMetadata(key, target, options) static Get the metadata associated with the given key for a given class
getDesignTypeForMethod(target, methodName) static Get TypeScript design time type for a method.
getDesignTypeForProperty(target, propertyName) static Get TypeScript design time type for a property
getMethodMetadata(key, target, methodName, options) static Get the metadata associated with the given key for a given method of the target class or prototype
getParameterMetadata(key, target, methodName, index, options) static Get the metadata associated with the given key for a parameter of a given method by index
getPropertyMetadata(key, target, propertyName, options) static Get the metadata associated with the given key for a given property of the target class or prototype